Tournament Director Mike Niccum
New Tournament Director
One of the most demanding jobs on the MOGA board is that of tournament chairman! When Mark Nilsen moved to Myrtle Beach, many were concerned that it would be a challenge to find a replacement, but we “hit the jackpot” with Mike Niccum. Thanks to his mathematical, computer, and organizational skills, we haven’t missed a beat! When you next see Mike, please thank him for taking on this heavy load!
From the Tournament Director
Golf Genius is here to stay, and it’s important for all members to get up to speed with using the application. If a team doesn’t use Golf Genius when scoring a tournament, the team will be disqualified.
First-Place Winners in Their Flights
2/06. Oakwood Shootout, Individual Low Net: Bruce Pape, Matt Fellows, Clay Zinkie, Pat Rather, Keith Landry, Steve Day, Jim Schaper, Jim Flanagan
1/03. Member/Member, Partners Scramble: Bruce Pape, Rich Popham, Chris Beaty, Mike Niccum, Pat Rather, Kurt Sass, Rod Blane, Rich Hench, Gary Harper, John Prescott
1/23. Team Cha Cha Cha: Bud Hewitt, Blair Poitras, Mark Sadosky, Gene Valenta
1/18. Team Stableford: Kim Fliethman, Bill Hart, Glen Hoff, Ward Stone
Help Wanted
MOGA needs a publicity chairman. Please let a board member know if you are interested.
Major Events Coming Soon
3/06: MOGA Shootout
3/20: Cottonwood Home and Home
3/27: Club Championship, Individual Low Gross
4/03: Club Championship, Individual Low Gross
4/10: Club Championship, Individual Low Gross
4/17: Member/Guest