First Responders Open House

Bill Shedd

On Jan. 25 the First Responders Open House at the Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse office was well attended by the Sun Lakes community. The MCSO staff, Sun Lakes Posse, Arizona Fire & Medical, and the Arizona Heroes Home Teams want to thank all of you who came by to visit to see first-hand how these organizations provide services to our community.

As a whole, this Open House featured more units of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office than in the last six years, including the Lake Patrol, SWAT, Bomb Squad Command Van, Incident Command Center Van, Fox One (the helicopter), K-9 Unit, Search and Rescue, and the MASH Unit, to mention a few. The MASH Unit provides care, feeding, and sheltering of animals who have suffered abuse and neglect. At this event, several dogs under MASH Unit care were available to meet prospective adopters, and two dogs found their new forever homes! It was great to be able to connect with the community we serve.

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