Jeanne Becker
In February the Sun Lakes Community Foundation awarded grants and donations exceeding $20,000 to five local groups. These grants include one to the Arizona Rangers for them to acquire a Rapid Radio Communications System to better serve the needs of our communities. The Chordaires were awarded a grant to help them continue to provide their exciting and talented music productions for the Sun Lakes Community, so remember to mark your calendars for their April 5 New York-themed show, “Weekend in New York.” The Cottonwood Tennis Club will use their grant to purchase materials to make their playing area safer. The Rock, Gem & Silver Club continues to provide local artists with opportunities to develop and expand their talents, so they will acquire new equipment to add enameling to their handmade items. The Sew-N-Sews will use their grant to expand their education program from part time into many year-round experiences for their members.
The Greater Sun Lakes Community Foundation was established to enhance the quality of life for the older population in the East Valley, including Sun Lakes residents, in the areas of health, education, and culture. Our fundraising events include the annual December Christmas Gala and the 4th Annual Country Hoedown, which will be held on Sunday, March 23. Foundation members sell raffle tickets at some tribute concerts, and, of course, we always welcome donations. Also, we have recently expanded our “asks” for citizens to donate items valued in excess of $500, such as working autos and golf carts, one to two weeks’ use of timeshares, sports memorabilia, unique art works, rare vintage wines, etc. If you are able to contribute any such valuable item(s) to Sun Lakes Community Foundation, please contact Chris Schneck, a Foundation director, at [email protected], and he will work with you to process your donation and provide you a receipt that you can give to your tax professional. If you are part of an organization that needs financial support, please go to our website at to apply.