Cottonwood Lady Niners

Bette Lu Buchanan

Hey Ladies, welcome back to golf in Sun Lakes! It’s not too late to join the Cottonwood Lady Niners. Our new roster of officers includes President Minna Rasmussen, Vice President Rachelle Wilson, Secretary Lori Aaspas, and Treasurer Barb Sletto.

Each week we will be playing a different game. After golf, we enjoy meeting at the Cottonwood Bar and Grill for a drink special and time together.

You can pick up a registration form in the Pro Shop, fill in your information, and return it with your check, or you can register online at For returning members, the fee to renew is $85, and for new members, the fee is $90 if paid by November 15. This includes your membership in the AWGA. Regardless of your level of play, we welcome you. If you do not have a handicap, we will help you establish one.

Our membership chairperson is Moe Bleth. If you have any questions, call her at 480-235-2198.