Acrylic painting by club member Kris Szlauko
Sue Sindelar
As surely as the sun rises brilliantly each morning, illuminating the newness of another day, we in the Desert Artists Club (DAC) are blessed to be celebrating a new year of possibilities. We are grateful for the opportunity to use our time and talents to enrich our lives and others with inspiration, hope, and beauty. We, as artists of every level, are given a gift of time together as a club to create and express ourselves in a variety of ways in a warm and accepting environment. We come together each week to have fun while we work on our projects, learn from each other, and realize that we are contributing to the positive effects that art as a whole has on our entire universe. Energy spent creating beauty fills our world with more love and joy. Like the sun, art is a gift we can give to make our world brighter.
Members of our club met for lunch in October, followed by a tour of the Basha Art Gallery. It was a deliciously fun and inspiring afternoon. We had our holiday/Christmas social and shared some of our art pieces with each other. It really is a display of the variety of talents that comprises our club. We will continue these traditions in the year ahead, building on the talents and friendships that our club offers its members. The DAC has been in existence for several decades. It has evolved over the years and continues to offer members a safe and inspiring place to grow artistically.
We invite any artist who lives in Sun Lakes to join the Desert Artists Club. We meet year round each Tuesday afternoon from 3 to 6 p.m. in the Ceramics Room (A-8) in Cottonwood. Any artist within the three HOAs is able to join. Each artist brings their own project and supplies and works in their own medium. We are a casual club with no scheduled meetings, and we have no dues. If you are new to Sun Lakes or have been thinking of joining an art club, stop by any Tuesday and see if this would be a good fit for you. We can answer any of your questions. You may also contact me for further information at [email protected] or 480-745-2198, and please leave a message.