Chapter DW members Jan Prestin, Genda Christman, and La Verne Walters with blooming plants
Jan Prestin
“P.E.O.s Bloom Where They’re Planted” is the theme of the Chandler-Sun Lakes Reciprocity P.E.O. Founders Day Luncheon. It will be held on Saturday, Jan. 20, in the ballroom at the Oakwood Country Club, 24218 S. Oakwood Blvd, Sun Lakes.
Registration begins at 10.30 a.m., and lunch of Cobb salad and lemon blueberry dessert will be served at 11:30 a.m. The cost is $30 per person.
All unaffiliated and visiting P.E.O.s are invited to attend this annual event hosted by Chapters DW, EN, and EW. Reservations may be made by sending a check in the amount of $30 made out to P.E.O. by Friday, Jan. 5. Mail checks to Jan Prestin, 9040 E. Cedar Waxwing Drive, Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. For more information, contact Jan at 480-734-3977 or [email protected].
The P.E.O. Sisterhood’s mission is to promote educational opportunities for women. Our sisterhood proudly makes a difference in women’s lives with five international philanthropies, plus Cottey College in Nevada, Mo.
P.E.O. chapters support the educational and charitable funds of the P.E.O. Sisterhood but are not classified as charitable by the IRS. Therefore, donations to individual chapters do not meet the IRS requirements for a charitable income tax deduction. P.E.O. shall not be liable in any way for any goods and services supplied by third-party vendors or public establishments.