Aero Club to hear about drones

Drones have been in the news lately, and more information on these unmanned flying aircraft will be available during a presentation at the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 21 at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room.

Drones have been in the news lately, and more information on these unmanned flying aircraft will be available during a presentation at the Sun Lakes Aero Club gathering beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, March 21 at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room.

Gary Vacin

Types of drones, where they typically fly and how to avoid them will be the topic of a presentation to the Sun Lakes Aero Club (SLAC) gathering March 21 at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror Room. The session begins with coffee and camaraderie at 6:30 p.m. followed by the presentation at 7:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. The guest speaker will be Doug Andriuk, who recently retired from a 20-year career in the US Air Force where he was a pilot flying cargo and high ranking government officials. He holds an ATP rating with a B737 type rating and has more than 6,000 flight hours. He spent the last 10 years of his USAF career managing several important aspects of VIPSAM (Very Important Person/Special Air Mission) operations and was fortunate to have served as a pilot on Air Force Two. He is president of the Phoenix Area Drone User’s Group, which has more than 400 members.

SLAC is an official Sun Lakes organization made up of pilots, former pilots and others having any interest in aviation. The club sponsors monthly gatherings as well as fly-ins and field trips November through April. You can access SLAC’s website at or contact Bob Walch at 895-8869 or Gary Vacin at  298-7017 for additional information.