First Light on the North Atlantic by Dennie Sullivan, Agave’s 2016 opportunity Show quilt.
Brooks Scofield
The Agave Quilt Guild of Sun Lakes got off to a fantastic new year in their brand new location, the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club. There is however, one very important adjustment starting with the February 3 meeting, a major change in meeting time. From now on, the general meeting of the Agave Quilters will begin at noon and not 1:00 p.m. Therefore, please update your phones and calendars etc. to reflect this change, so you will not miss the first hour! The meetings are moving forward one hour so that the room can be made ready for another group that regularly meets later in the afternoon, on the same first Wednesday of each month.
Agave is very happy to report that our current President Faith Bragg, who is recovering from serious surgery, is now on the mend and will come back to us very soon. All of Agave wishes Faith a very speedy return to good health.
Please make sure to attend the February meeting as the membership will be voting on the President’s Challenge Quilts (What’s black and white and red with all other colors allowed) because the top three designs will win significant monetary awards and some very beautiful ribbons. Each of the President’s Challenge quilts will be anonymously on display and Agave members will vote for their top three favorites. The winners will be part of the silent auction at the upcoming Agave Quilt Show in April.
As with last month, all visitors and guests are now charged a $5 guest fee to off-set the cost of speakers and rent. Interested area quilters can join Agave at any time for $20 for the entire 2016 year which allows you to put a quilt in the show and attend classes and workshops at reduced fees.
A huge thank you goes to long-time Agave member Dennie Sullivan who donated the fabulous quilt called First Light on the North Atlantic as an opportunity quilt with $1 (or six for $5) tickets available at each of the next two meetings and at the Agave Quilt Show on April 2.
The speaker at the February Agave meeting will be our very own Bonnie Lewis, an extraordinarily gifted quilter, who will treat the membership to a wonderful trunk show. This is one meeting you will not want to miss! Please remember to make note of the new meeting time of noon, not 1:00 p.m. And bring a friend!