Agave Quilt Guild plans annual show and boutique

Join the Agave Quilt Guild and enjoy their regular monthly meetings at the Sun Lakes Oakwood Ballroom. The next meeting is Wednesday, February 1, at 1:00 p.m. They are an active group of beginning through experienced quilters. They have informative meetings with speakers to educate their members on current quilting styles and techniques. The February meeting will present an award-winning quilter Mary Vaneeke as their featured speaker. Vaneecke makes 3-D quilts, and she will be sharing her easy techniques for adding this unique feature of 3-D to your own quilts. That evening, the guild is offering a class taught by the master, Mary Vaneecke. Details will be given at the meeting to sign up for that class.

Each meeting offers “show and tell,” where members bring their current works to share. Agave Quilters also offers educational classes for a minimal charge where members learn new skills to enhance their work. They also do community service by making quilts for children who are in the hospital.

The guild has 200 members, but you can easily make new friends by joining one of the friendship groups who meet outside of the regular meeting time to quilt. Friendship groups are smaller groups that meet weekly or monthly at the Oakwood Sewing Room or at members’ homes.

They encourage new members to come to a meeting and see all they have to offer. Check in at their membership table to learn more. Currently, they are working on items to sell at their boutique that accompanies their Annual Quilt Show. Mark your calendar for this grand event; see hundreds of quilts and shop for various handmade items made by members. The show will be held on Saturday, April 1, at Sun Lakes Country Club Phase 1 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Anne Munoz at 661-733-4237 or