Nancy Kirk, Agave art group member, shows off her beautiful wool applique quilt.
Johnie Scofield
The Sun Lakes-based Agave Quilt Guild has suspended formal guild meetings until September 7. Look for time and place to be announced in the September Splash.
Even though there are no guild meetings during the summer months of June, July and August, the Oakwood Sewing Room remains open for both friendship and interest group activities and meetings. In addition, the guild is starting an open sew program this summer. The days set aside for open sewing are the second Monday and third Thursday of June, July and August from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. All Agave members are welcome to bring their sewing machines and projects to the Oakwood Sewing Room and use the facility to work on projects during open sew hours. The sewing room even has a working refrigerator to hold sodas and your lunch. No registration or prior notice to use the room is needed, just show-up and sew, or do handwork, meet up with friends or come alone. The Agave open sewing program began on Thursday, May 19.
All members can also begin working on their Small Quilt Challenge by new (2016-2017) President Anne Munoz, for the 2017 Quilt Show, called “X Marks the Spot.” “Just about anything is possible for this challenge,” says Anne, who loves all puzzles and mysteries. “Surprise me; make me have to think about the “X” in the quilt, and what it might mean!” The final due date for the Small Quilt Challenge is the first meeting of January 2017. As in past years, any quilting style is acceptable, but the size is limited to 24 inch by 24 inch, and you must have three layers (a true quilt) and a hanging sleeve. So ladies, start your machines and submit a Challenge Quilt.
All members are also reminded that throughout the summer our community service project, making children’s quilts for hospitalized kids, is continuing, so please grab a kit from Sherry Tanner, or use your stash and complete a child’s quilt or two. The kids will love you forever.
See you all again in the fall for exciting lectures and trunk shows and fabulous classes in the sewing room.