Jean NcMahon with her beautiful hand appliqued quilt; Jean is new to applique and this is her very first applique quilt. Bravo!
While the Agave Quilt Guild has held their last monthly meeting until September, there is no shortage of events happening in the Sewing Room. Many of the guild’s friendship groups and interest groups will continue to meet during the summer, either for fun, or for work on projects.
Faith Bragg, the Agave Guild President, announced the officers for the 2015-2016 term: First, Faith will remain as president through May 2016, as will Pat Meger as vice president and Nancy Miller as secretary. Second, since the Agave by-laws call for a change in treasurer every two years, the team of Melodie Fogelsanger and Patty Burris are taking over the Treasurer’s position previously held by Diane Larson. Shar Schmutz is new education chair, Terri Austin is taking over as Hospitality chair, with associates Cynthia Schoenfield and Cathy Borchers; Rita McGee will head-up the 2016 Quilt Show next March. However, two important positions are still open: programs and community service, so if you did not make it to the meeting and you are able to volunteer your time, contact Faith to apply.
President Bragg also announced the President’s Challenge for the 2016 Quilt Show, so members could begin working on their submissions: The challenge is called, “What’s black and white and red all over?” Faith says, “Your quilt may be any motif and have any added colors you choose, as long as it includes some black, and white and red fabric. As always, the quilt may be any shape, but must fit within a 24 inch square.” It is hoped that the entire membership will take part in the new Challenge and submit their projects in February 2016.
At the May meeting, the Community Service team of Terri Austin and Pat Johnson thanked the entire membership for their generous gifts of time, fabric and talent in working on Agave’s chosen service project. The Quilters Care project this past year was to make very pretty ladies tote bags for several domestic shelters, which were then filled with small much needed personal care items like, toothpaste, soap and lotion. Over the past year, almost 200 totes were given to local shelters filled with donated products. Great work Agave members…thank you very much.