The Agave Quilters Guild welcomes you to join them at their monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 4. They are an active, fun and informative group who enjoy sharing their love of quilting with others. Whether you are a beginner or a seasonal quilter you will enjoy their monthly meetings where you can hear master quilters share their knowledge and expertise. And each meeting also includes members displaying their own quilts at Show and Tell. The guild offers education classes where you can learn and expand on your current skills. Members are busy planning their annual Quilt Show and Boutique that will be held on Saturday, April 1.
Come and join them at their next meeting on Wednesday, January 4 at 1:00 p.m. at the Sun Lakes Oakwood Country Club Ballroom. This is a new time and location for their monthly meetings. This meeting’s speaker is Carla Scott of the Quilted Frog. She is presenting a trunk show of whimsical quilting patterns which feature fusible appliqué and piecing designed by Carla Scott and Leanne Smith. The patterns are delightful and inspirational.
For more information on the Agave Quilters Guild contact President Anne Munoz at 661-733-4237 or email at