Dorrie Meehan (with the balloons), an Agave founding member, is presented with a small thank you for her 20 years of leadership.
Johnie Scofield
The Agave Quilters of Sun Lakes got off to a fabulous start in September with their first guild meeting of the year held September 3 in the Oakwood Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club. One of the founding members, Dorrie Meehan, was given a small token of appreciation and love for all that she has done for Agave over the past 20 years. Dorrie will be sincerely missed by all her fellow quilters. From rather humble beginnings, Agave grew from only a few quilters that met in each other’s homes to the more than 218 members that now meet monthly on the first Wednesday afternoon of the month in Oakwood at 1:00 p.m. In September, Shelia Arnold, from the Arizona Quilt Guild, gave a lecture and trunk show entitled “Strip Tease,” highlighting fast strip quilt techniques and Seminole piecing.
At the upcoming October 1 Agave meeting, Helen Robinson from Sew Kind of Wonderful will present a lecture and trunk show on curved piecing without the use of pins, glue or a special foot, just her patented Quick Curve Ruler. Helen and her business partner, Jenny Pedigo, have developed more than 20 unique and different patterns that go with their ruler which will be available at the lecture. Please come to the meeting to see for yourself all the excitement that this little tool is causing in the quilting world! If you are new to the Sun Lakes area, Agave welcomes quilters of all styles and skill levels. In addition to the regular monthly meetings, Agave offers separate quilting interest groups, like hand quilting and art quilting, several friendship groups, a very busy charity group and many opportunities to take small student centered classes in the Oakwood Sewing and Craft Room. Faith Bragg, Agave President for 2014-2015, reminds members to keep working on their President’s Challenge small quilts, celebrations and holidays, as they need to be finished by January. Agave also hosts a free member only quilt show in late March complete with a boutique, raffle quilts and several opportunity baskets.
Please join us as a guest or new member on October 1 in the main Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club at 1:00 p.m. to learn more about Agave.