Pictured – row one are Barbara Lubsen with Boo, Marie Johnson with Rosie, Sue Fernandez with Molly and Lenys Walden with Bailey; not pictured is Bud Tasch with Oggie

Pictured – row one are Wally Cornelius with Pita, Andrea Hummel with Rosie, Marjorie Wright with Hanna and Loretta Chadderdon with KC; row two is Dennis Chadderdon

Pictured – row one are Bonnie Forbes with Tulley, Phyllis Johnson with Zoe, Mary Smitham with Rudy and Cindi Decker with Jimmy; row two are Tony Forbes, Paula Ferguson with Chloe, Charles Johnson, Steve Smitham and Pat Harpster; not pictured is Dale Harpster with Siri

Pictured – row one are Brenda Bauer with Maggie and Molly; row two are Jeni Connor with Minnie, Melissa Skocypec with Lexi, Karen O’Reilly with Piper and Tanis May with Abby; row three is Michael O’Reilly
Pat Wenning
Graduation day has arrived for the owners and their pets. All the dogs passed their Puppy or Obedience class. All the dogs received their CGC (Canine Good Citizen) certification (dog must be six months or older) or Star Puppy certification (puppy is five months or younger). A lot of hard work, dedication and patience from the owner and their pets went into their success. The classes were held at the American Service Animal Society training center. The classes were taught by Pat Wenning, ABCDT; Megan Bruce and Katylin Kate were assistants.