Jim McWhirter
Good News! At their January 2 meeting, the club approved to continue having the annual Fish Fry. This event is free and is a way for the club to thank those who continue to support our Fishing Derbies for the Kids. This event will be scheduled in mid-April, at the Oasis pool event pavilion. The main dish is deep fried catfish, and hamburgers and hotdogs will be available for you non-fish lovers. Details of this event will be published in the April Splash.
Three fishing derbies have already been scheduled for March, and more are pending final confirmation. Currently, it appears that the Anglers Club will be busy in March, and volunteer help is always welcome.
Grandparents, plan now to take your grandchildren fishing! The Grandparents Fishing Derby, will be held March 30. Look for more details in the March Splash. Your grandchildren will love this event!
The cold weather put a chill on the Anglers January flea market, but those who attended found some red-hot deals! The Anglers Flea market is held on the third Saturday of the month in the clubhouse parking lot, starting at 7:00 a.m.
Our success depends on your donations. Thank you to all our donors!