April Fools’ Day and Unity

Rev. Derrick Elliott, Pastor, Sun Lakes United Church of Christ

April Fools’ Day, a day traditionally filled with harmless pranks and laughter, may seem at first glance to be far removed from the teachings of Jesus Christ and the profound themes of unity and compassion in humanity. However, a closer examination reveals that this day, with its spirit of joy and light-heartedness, can reflect values and lessons about our shared humanity in Jesus.

The essence of April Fools’ Day lies in the joy of life, the celebration of the unexpected, and the humility of being able to laugh at oneself. In this light-heartedness, there’s an opportunity to embrace a key message of Jesus: the importance of humility, joy, and love in our lives. Jesus’ teachings often revolved around love, kindness, and the breaking down barriers between people. He reached out to those on the margins of society, demonstrating through actions and parables the value of every individual and the power of love to unite us.

One of the most poignant biblical verses encapsulating this message is from Colossians 3:12-14 (NRSVUE): “Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another, and if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” This verse beautifully illustrates the ideals of understanding, forgiveness, and love—principles that can turn every day, including April Fools’ Day, into celebrating our shared humanity and divine love.

April Fools’ Day, in essence, encourages us to look at life with a lighter heart, embrace the joy amidst our daily challenges, and remember not to take ourselves too seriously. This is not to undermine the importance of wisdom and discernment but to add a layer of joy and humility to our existence. In line with Jesus’ teachings, it reminds us that at the core of our being, beyond the roles and facades, we are all deeply connected; we are all human, prone to mistakes, yet capable of immense love and compassion. Jesus’ ministry on earth was a testament to the power of coming together in love, breaking down the barriers of hostility that often divide us.

As we celebrate April Fools’ Day, let us remember the teachings of Jesus and the power of love to bring us together. Let us use this day not only for laughter but as a reminder of our shared humanity, our need for humility, and the strength found in unity. In the spirit of Colossians, let us clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, and love, making every joke a bridge, every laugh a bond, and every moment an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ that transcends all differences, uniting us in perfect harmony.

Sun Lakes United Church of Christ welcomes you to join us for worship on Saturdays at 4 p.m. Blessings and Peace!