Agave member Carroll Ediss carefully considers all of the Challenge quilts before casting her vote for her favorite. The winning quilts will be up for auction at the April show.
Johnie Scofield
This month’s Agave meeting on March 2 is the annual Spring Luncheon. Our luncheon will be held in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club and begins earlier than usual, at 11:30 a.m. with a no-host get-acquainted activity. If you have not already reserved a seat and signed up for a share item, please do so immediately by calling Terri Austin at 520-788-5991. The Spring Luncheon is a wonderful time to meet old Agave friends and make new quilting friends as well.
Agave members should check their Agave Points newsletter for details concerning ongoing spring classes as there will be no sign-ups at the luncheon. Also, it is time to think about next year’s Board and if you can serve Agave in the several positions needing new leadership, please speak to any current Board member. No previous experience is needed and most positions require only a few hours a month. Being on the Agave Board is fun and the personal rewards are enormous.
If you are a quilter, beginning or otherwise, our Agave Quilt Guild is the place for you. Drop in at any regular Agave meeting as a guest for only $5. Our group meets in the Navajo Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club at noon on the first Wednesday of each month, September to May. You can sign-up as a member for only $20 for the entire year and then join one of our many interest or friendship groups.
The whole Sun Lakes community should also remember that in just one month it will be time for the Agave Quilt Guild’s annual Quilt Show in the Oakwood Ballroom of the Oakwood Country Club. Our free show is scheduled for April 2 from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. and features over 100 quilted items for you to enjoy. An important part of this year’s show is the black and white and red (with other colors allowed) President’s Challenge by Faith Bragg and all challenge quilts will be up for silent auction or raffle. The show is Agave’s main source of income and benefits our Education and Community Service programs. As with past shows, there will be a wonderful shopper’s boutique where all kinds of handmade items are available for purchase. Therefore, think Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduations, weddings, birthdays and every other day where you need a gift. We will definitely have something perfect for you. Please save April 2 for seeing the Quilt Show!