Mary Vitolo
At St. Steven’s Ladies Guild’s annual Luncheon/Fashion Charity Fundraiser event, Beautiful Things Happened at the Oakwood Country Club on March 14, 2018!
St. Steven’s Ladies Guild would like to express gratitude for the many people who helped make our show a success in making Beautiful Things Happen for our charities: Nativity set and stable for the church and brother of Fr. Enoch’s St. Dominic’s High School Program in Nigeria, Africa.
We appreciate Oakwood’s Activities Director Jolene; Banquet Manager Ashley; Assistant Julian, along with their servers Chef Lili and Brandon who helped set up the day before the event; to our priests who enjoyed the festivities; to Angela and Chris from Dillard’s; the models; the ambassadors; Al Forte and the Squires; Paul Hester and all shuttle drivers; Gordie Kesler for getting the U-Haul to and back (thanks for your patience, Gordie); to our photographer Tony Lasso; Pat Scherr for negotiating and obtaining the ramp and to Kermit Barbier for his wonderful PPP; to Mickey’s niece Cathy Sayles, our door prize presenter; to our basket presenter Mary Lou Del Vecchio; to all our guild members and others who donated baskets, door prizes and money; guild President Jacquie Peterson and last, but not least, our wonderful Show Chair Joyce Kesler; her Co-Chair Dorothy Vacin and all the committee members for their planning and fine execution towards our annual charity fundraising event.