Carolyn McCorkle The Sun Lakes Republican Club will feature “Understanding Global Warming and the Effects of Rising CO2 on the Biosphere” with guest speaker Dr. Craig Idso, at a special meeting on Tuesday, February 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the Arizona Room of the Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 N. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes,…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Sun Lakes Dance Party at Oakwood 2017

Mark O’Neill The Sun Lakes Dance Party at Oakwood 2017 meets monthly from January to March on Wednesday evenings. The group dance lesson begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by open dance from 7:00- 9:30 p.m., casual dress. The dance is open to all in the Sun Lakes Community and others. Guests and newcomers are welcome.…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Yoga with the support of a chair
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
RAF air controller to speak to Aero Club

Gary Vacin A British-born Sun Lakes resident who served as a Royal Air Force (RAF) air traffic controller for U. S. Air Force fighter jets at a British base during the Korean War will be guest speaker at the Sun Lakes Aero Club (SLAC) gathering Monday, February 20, at the Sun Lakes Country Club Mirror…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Fun Lakes Club news
Carole Sinicki The Fun Lakers Club held its annual meeting on January 7. The club has grown by over 100 new members. We would like to thank all of our current and new members for your involvement and participation in FLC. Our new members were also treated to a wine and cheese party on January…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Annual PEO coffee set for February 8
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Release your inner artist

Margaret Crusoe Was art one of your favorite subjects in school? Sometimes life happens and that inner artist gets pushed aside. Now is the time to tap into that childlike delight. My personal instruction will help you learn the basics of painting with watercolors. Intermediate instruction is also available. In addition to my degree in…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
San Tan Crown Rotarians at work on annual fundraiser

Stan Kaufman San Tan Crown Rotary Club is sponsoring the annual “Hooked on Healing Veterans” motorcycle ride on February 25, 2017, to benefit our local wounded veterans who have returned from service overseas. Cow Pie Bingo is one of the many fund-raising activities that are part of this event. Want to learn more? Want to…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Yoga – Vinyasa style

Sheila Axtman It’s February, a great month to celebrate the things that make you feel good: the people you love, chocolate, and yoga. Practicing yoga releases endorphins in your brain. You feel relaxed and happy. Vinyasa yoga also improves proprioception, strengthens and stretches your muscles and you become more flexible. It helps you feel and…
Clubs & Classes, February 2017
Back in action with Wet and Wild Water Aerobics

By now, we should be back in the main Cottonwood pool on Monday and Wednesday. Welcome back all our winter friends! Water aerobics is great for helping to build back muscles from recent knee, hip, shoulder and other surgery. The water is warm, and the people are fun. We exercise to all kinds of music…