The Sun Lakes Chapel Board is sponsoring a Piano Concert featuring Andrew O’Brien on Feb. 27, 2020, at 10 a.m. at the Sun Lakes Chapel, 9240 N. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ 85248. Andrew O’Brien is a faculty member of Scottsdale Community College where he teaches piano and music history. He has performed in…
Category: February 2020
Religion, February 2020
SLUMC Women’s Retreat Feb. 8
Linda K. Gercken “Let It Go, Let It Go!” So sings Elsa, the young and newly-crowned queen of Arendelle, in Disney’s award-winning animated movie, Frozen. “Can’t hold it back anymore,” she warbles. Borrowing from the song’s lyrics, the Sun Lakes United Methodist Women will sponsor the 2020 Annual Women’s Retreat entitled “Let It Go!” The…
Sports, February 2020
CMGA Results
Buddy Meola The Leisure World/Cottonwood Home and Home was played Dec. 5 at Leisure World and Dec. 7 at Cottonwood. The 30 teams from each club played a two man scramble with three points available for each team at each course. After the first day, the Leisure World Men’s Club held a lead which they…
Sports, February 2020
Sun Lakes Lady Niners
Sheila Barton Many of you chose to play golf as a sport when you retired, as I did. When I started playing with the Sun Lakes Lady Niners at the Sun Lakes Country Club course, it started as a frustration, with balls flying everywhere except where I thought I was aiming, but it has slowly…
Sports, February 2020
Cottonwood Lady Niners — “We Take Our Golf Very Seriously”

Lorri Morgan, Publicity Wow, actually had some rain this winter. So as of this writing, there were two Thursdays of no Niners’ play, one of them Thanksgiving. Dec. 12 was our Ugly Sweater play day, and nearly everyone joined in the fun. The club provided pizza and wings after golf, and some of the Cottonwood…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
The Desert Navy Club Meeting Notice
Richard Volpe The Desert Navy Club welcomes all at our monthly meetings throughout the 2020 new year. Our meetings are held on the third Friday of each month in the Lakeview Room, which is located on the main floor of SunBird Community Center. Meetings are held from September through May and are short in duration,…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Computer Booters update

Helen Seaton, Publicity Director Internet security and watching out for those pesky viruses is something we all need to be aware of. Our February speaker will show us the way to play safe on the Internet! After a successful career in banking, Norbert “Bob” Gostischa enjoys his retirement as an enthusiastic IT security expert for…
Generals, February 2020
Neighbors Who Care: Volunteering in the New Decade

Elizabeth Vaughan, Neighbors Who Care Neighbors Who Care is a unique organization, because Sun Lakes has a unique population. With no city services, a need presented itself 25 years ago, and Sun Lakes congregants responded. A group of churches created Neighbors Who Care to assist homebound seniors with grocery shopping and household duties that they…
Generals, February 2020
The New Diana Perez Trio Is Here!
Generals, February 2020
Sun Lakes – Cottonwood At Palo Verde at Sun Lakes
Message from the President Dear Homeowners, February is an active month, with most of our homeowners in residence enjoying the sunny weather and all the activities and amenities we have to offer. Meanwhile (in meetings open to all homeowners), your Board and Standing Committees are busy planning and executing improvements that will be taking place…