Dick Teater We had a fun and exciting event on Dec. 13 playing a Three Best Ball Stableford tournament. Surprisingly, it proved that our golf skills significantly exceeded our scorekeeping and math skills! Score cards contained 46 errors. Thanks to our president, webmaster, and forensic accountant (Fred Smith), appropriate corrections were made, and 11 couples qualified…
Category: February 2020
Sports, February 2020
Wolfe and Associates Capture Lakes Title

Larry Wolfe Manager Bill McCoy’s Wolfe & Associates team won the Lakes Division’s Fall League title with a record of 11-5, barely nosing out Manager Gary Hillabolt’s Young Realty Team, which finished a game back at 10-6. At the close of the fall season, Dennis LePore was leading the league with an average of .859.…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Whole Foods Plant Based Community Meeting

Edey Sanders, Janet Hayes, Lisa Heenes “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and treat disease with nutrition.” Thomas Edison We meet the third Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the A-9/Phoenix Room, Cottonwood Palo Verde. Updates are on Sun Lakes Nextdoor.com.…
Generals, February 2020
Crystal Card Volunteers Have Big Hearts

Bobbie Reed When they got an appeal from staff at My Sister’s Place for Christmas gifts for the 30 children living at the shelter, volunteers at the Sun Lakes-based Crystal Card Project acted. These generous individuals donated over 120 gifts and gift cards to help make Christmas a little merrier. My Sister’s Place is a…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Ladies Community Chit and Chat Post Meeting Dates
The Ladies Community Chit and Chat Breakfast Group is on the second Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020, in the Saguaro Room at the Cottonwood Country Club in Sun Lakes. Registration starts at 9:45 a.m. with the hot buffet breakfast at 10 a.m. The cost is $11 per person and includes coffee, tea, and tip. (Pay in advance…
Generals, February 2020
Decade Ending Pool Dip
Generals, February 2020
Sun Lakes Fire Corp. Speaks at United Methodist Church

Brian Curry Arizona Fire & Medical Authority Fire Corps members Brian Curry and Dan Johnson spoke to the Faith Circle women’s group of the Sun Lakes United Methodist Church. A wide range of subjects included the CAP (Community Assistance Program) and various other AFMA programs such as lock boxes, medical information cards, the Home Safety…
Generals, February 2020
Kenny Hess Concert February 15
Linda Caton Famous singer/songwriter Kenny Hess will be performing in the San Tan Ballroom on Saturday, Feb. 15, starting at 7 p.m. This will be the first time Kenny will be bringing his award-winning band with him to Sun Lakes for a really powerful concert night! Kenny Hess has enjoyed many charting singles and has…
Generals, February 2020
Save the Date for Polish Dinner Dance February 16
Rose Pachura There will be a Polish Dinner Dance on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020, at Cottonwood Country Club in the San Tan Ballroom starting at 4 p.m. with a cash bar, 5 p.m. dinner, and 6 p.m. dancing to the music of Two’s Company by Suzie & Tom Novak. Buy your tickets for $28 per…
Clubs & Classes, February 2020
Sun Lakes Lady Putters Scoreboard

Susan Gottschalk Our annual Holiday Lunch was held on Dec. 6 in the San Tan Ballroom at Cottonwood. Installation of officers for 2020 was held. Cash and poinsettias were awarded to the lucky winners in the raffle drawing. Our raffle drawings at this and our spring luncheon allow us to donate to a few local…