Category: Clubs & Classes

It’s Enrollment Time!

Joyce Selk The holidays are over, and most of us have already broken our New Year’s resolutions, so now it’s time to relax and enjoy all our community has to offer! And that includes joining the Fun Lakers! Lots of activities have been planned, so you can reconnect with neighbors and friends, or meet some…

Looking for Laughter and Fun in Your Life?

Dianne Zimmerman Sun Lakes Bridge Club hosts duplicate bridge games on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 1:30 p.m. and Saturday mornings at 9 a.m. at Risen Savior Lutheran Church, south building, 23914 S. Alma School Road, Chandler. There are games for all levels of play. Please arrive at least 20 minutes prior to game time.…

Keeping Your Quilting Muscles Tuned Up!

Ann Wasescha, Desert Threads Quilt Chapter of AQG Did you know the muscles in your back, neck, arms, and hands need extra care to keep you doing your quilting best? Once they freeze up, your quilting fun can come to a quick halt! To address this issue, Desert Threads quilt group has invited Kathy Duval,…

Day Trippers Travel Group

Mike Swoverland Do you enjoy taking day trips but hate the hassle of driving to get to your destination? Do you enjoy the beauty of our state and would like to find a way to see the wonders of our state hassle-free with other Sun Lakes residents who share your passion? The Day Trippers may…

Inner Core Dance for Seniors: A New Fitness Program at Sun Lakes

Inner Core Dance, an innovative movement program combining gentle flowing movements with core-strengthening exercises, launches in Sun Lakes this February through April. Led by certified ISSA Senior Fitness Instructor L. Zohar LeRoy, the program offers 10 essential benefits for active seniors. The 10 Benefits of Inner Core Dance: 1. Enhanced Balance and Fall Prevention through…

Desert Artists Club News

Sue Sindelar Desert artists welcome February as we look forward to growing our artistic talents together. This month seems to have some of the best weather for us here in Arizona’s Valley, and being outside, we enjoy taking in nature’s glorious gifts. We enjoy seeing snowcapped mountains in our travels or on the news, but…

Edgar Cayce Study Group

What, another meeting? But this one is different, and you will love it. We will learn from each other and also from the readings of Edgar Cayce. We meet every Thursday at 7 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We have group discussions from the book A Search for God through the Edgar…

Sew-N-Sews Busy Bees Thrive in 2025

Eileen Turner Sew-N-Sews keeps up the buzz. They are like BEES in the hive. All members are encouraged to BE themself, BE creative, BE generous, BE charitable, BE a learner, and BE an active member. The organization consistently has about 90 active members at each meeting. The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and Friendship Interest Groups…

Savvy Travelers Club to Meet February 13

Jeanette Rajamaki Join us on Feb. 13 at 6:30 p.m. for our annual Oceania Cruises Event at Cottonwood Country Club in the Saguaro Room. Kari Roach, our Arizona Director of Sales, will update us on all things with Oceania. Lots of changes have occurred in the past few months. Gratuities will now be included on…