Category: Sports

Fall Season Recap, Winter Season Underway

Larry Wolfe Here’s a recap of our recently completed Fall Softball Seasons in both the Lakes and Sun Divisions: Manager Dave Kratz and his A-1 Golf Carts team won the Lakes Division title with a record of 12-8. First Response Roofing, managed by Dennis Kennedy, and the Young Home Team Realtors, managed by Gary Hillabolt,…

IronOaks Lady Breakers

Kim L. Hutchinson Have you played pool before and forgotten the rules? Has it been years since you played and you’re afraid you might embarrass yourself? Were you never that good but really enjoyed playing? Then the IronOaks Lady Breakers might be just what you need. IronOaks Lady Breakers would like to invite you to…

Outreach Program at Cottonwood Palo Verde in Full Swing

Barb Jorgensen The Cottonwood Palo Verde Homeowners Association approved an outreach program that allows anyone from Sun Lakes and nearby communities to attend a free Tennis Clinic on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. These free clinics are open to all levels, whether just learning or needing a tune-up to the game, and they are held at…

What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Dannette Hunnel With a nod to St. Valentine’s Day and just for fun, I looked into why we use the term “love” when playing tennis. The term has been used since the 1800s. Here is what I found: Myth #1: In sports, it’s common to refer to a nil or zero score as a duck…

How I Met New Friends and Conquered My Fear

Dannette Hunnel In 2014 I moved to Sun Lakes and signed up for the free Monday night tennis clinics with Don Neu and Pierre Moresi at Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC). Still occasionally babysitting four grandkids and not knowing many people, I was hesitant to commit to a weekly morning league, as well as uncomfortable looking…

End of Season Gatherings for Cottonwood Ladies Leagues

Dannette Hunnel and Susie Dunn In December the Cottonwood Ladies Tennis Leagues gathered to celebrate the end of the Fall Tennis Season. Food, laughs, and prizes took place. All came away with an appreciation of individual accomplishments, full bellies, and new recipes. The CTC tennis players are wonderful bakers and decorators, too. From Susie Dunn,…

Great End to Women’s USTA Fall Season

Barb Jorgensen What a great way to end our fall season with a repeat appearance at the USTA Southwest Section Championship! Although the team did not advance to the National Championship (this time!), the tough competition from New Mexico, El Paso, and Southern Arizona is helping us get ready for our upcoming spring season. The…


And so my friends, OLGA’s 2024 season is now in the record books. My New Year’s resolution is to take golf lessons from Dari Akin. Not only did she win low gross and low net in the OLGA State Medallion competition, but she also won the OLGA Cup competition (low net event). But first I…

The Sun Lakes Lady Niners

Dottie Wodraska The Sun Lakes Lady Niners began the 2024-25 golfing season on Nov. 5 at Sun Lakes Country Club and held the first league meeting on Nov. 12. Along with the usual agenda items of the business meeting, information was provided about what to do when balls hit one of the construction areas currently…

Oakwood Lady Niners Golf Association

Reggie Wegman The Oakwood Lady Niners had their annual Christmas Luncheon after a step aside scramble. The food was delicious. The installation of officers was held in January. The board will remain the same: Karen Graves, president; Sue Boucher, VP; Nancy Hooke, treasurer; and Chris Berney, secretary. Thank you, ladies, for continuing in your roles…