Karyl Garbow Fit and Fun is a positive health and wellness group embracing a healthy lifestyle! Receive information about health and lifestyle issues as we take charge of our own health, lives, and self-care together! We cover a new topic every Wednesday in the Cottonwood Country Club Phoenix Room (inside the Computer Learning Center). The…
Category: Clubs & Classes
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
Card Makers to Meet in March
The Sun Lakes Card Makers will hold their spring meeting on March 20 in the Arts & Crafts Room of Sun Lakes Phase 1 at 1 p.m. All interested greeting card makers are invited to attend. We welcome new members who enjoy card making as a hobby and enjoy sharing their knowledge and skills. Our…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
Things You Didn’t Know Your Smartphone Could Do!
Helen Seaton The Computer Booters Club will meet on Wednesday, March 13, at 1 p.m. in the Cottonwood Computer Learning Center, at 25630 S. Brentwood Drive, in Sun Lakes. Rob Truman will give a program on smartphones. Smartphones have become the Swiss Army knives of technology, going way beyond making and receiving calls while you’re…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
Daughters of the American Revolution

The Gila Butte Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) recently adopted a section of Dobson Road through Maricopa County’s Adopt-A-Road program. Chapter members will pick up trash along the road at least twice a year as a conservation project. The Conservation Committee is one of the oldest committees of the…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
Agave Quilt Guild

Mary La Tourelle Our February speaker was Kelly Grant of Cactus Quilting in Sun City West. Kelly designs batik fabrics and presented us with a very engaging slide show program highlighting her trip to Bali where she went behind the scenes to learn more about the ancient art of batik. The wax-resist dye process originated…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
Apollo Lunar Module Technician to Address Aero Club

Gary Vacin “Things You Probably Don’t Know About the First Manned Lunar Landing” will be the topic of a presentation to the Sun Lakes Aero Club at their March 25 gathering in the Cottonwood Country Club Lecture Hall. The session will begin with camaraderie at 6:30 p.m., followed by the presentation at 7 p.m. The…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
Cheers Social Group Activities

Cheers Trip Opportunities: The State Department has indicated the length of time to renew or get a new passport has decreased; however, processing may take several months. Check the expiration date on your passport and other documents. Most countries require your passport at end of trip to have at least six months remaining prior to expiration. Starting in…
March 2024, Clubs & Classes
FUN da MENTAL Bridge Classes in March
Maria Davis It’s not too late to join the bridge classes below. Individual sessions are $15 each, and the topics are listed below. Be sure to contact the instructor prior to attending so that we have materials for you. These are cards-on-the-table lessons. Join us any Thursday morning for our beginner game. No reservation or…