David Zapatka Have you ever had fanciful thoughts, found your imagination running on the wild side or had a fleeting thought that you knew was simply unrealistic? You may have been what’s called chimerical, this month’s word of the month. Chimerical – adjective chi·me·ri·cal kī-‘mer-i-k’l, k’-, -‘mir- Definition – imaginary, fantastic, unreal, absurd, impossible; indulging in unrealistic…
Category: Features
Features, April 2017
The Remodeling Corner
Janet Cook Earth Day is April 22 this year, a time to celebrate innovative products to help conserve energy and natural resources. According to the Green Building Advisor, remodeling an existing house is inherently greener than building a new home. Here are a few award-winning products that will make your home improvement projects green for…
Features, April 2017
Spotlight on Advertiser: Chandler Eye Center

In 1995, Dr. Robert Davidson was in search of a community in which to open a comprehensive ophthalmology practice. He had completed his residency program at Tulane University in New Orleans the year before and knew that he wanted to live in the southwest. In his research, he discovered that Chandler, Arizona, was the fastest…
Features, April 2017
Spotlight on Advertiser: Tired of being tired?

If anyone knows the impact of a good night’s sleep on a patient’s health, it’s Dr. Beth Hamann, DDS. With advanced education in sleep related conditions, Dr. Hamann is a proud Certified Diplomat of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy, as well as a member of several additional medical organizations, including the American Academy of…
Features, April 2017
April events at the Ed Robson Branch Library
Wednesday, April 5, at 10:30 a.m. – Southern Arizona Cemeteries* Throughout the ages, we humans have had a need to mark the time and place where people make the final stop on their journey from this world to the next. Sometimes it is a simple cross on rock-covered earth, while others are elaborate tombstones which…
Features, April 2017
Easter has hazards
Features, April 2017
News From Your Neighbors – Neighbors Who Care, Inc
If you see something, say (and do) something Eric Ehst There seem to be a lot of things to be terrified of these days. We’re constantly bombarded with warnings about terrorism, crime, disease and other catastrophes. We’re warned to stay alert and be ready to speed dial 9-1-1 at the slightest hint of danger. The…
Features, April 2017
In Passing

Howard Arthur Barrett Howard Arthur Barrett passed away peacefully on March 1, 2017, after a brief illness. He is survived by his companion Jacqueline Hicks; his son HB Barrett of Stewart, Florida; daughter Nancy Freeman of Durham, North Carolina; and former wife Frances Barrett, also of Durham, North Carolina. Howard was born on October 16,…
Features, April 2017
Life beyond the teabag

Diane Eddy After America gained its independence from Britain, the young country set about establishing trade routes between San Francisco and Yokohama, Japan. Green teas and oolong teas quickly filled the general stores across the nation. Just as quickly, trade was established with China, resulting in considerable fortunes for John Jacob Astor and others. Furs…
Features, April 2017
Gifts from God

One Sunday morning when Pam Bianchi, along with her two granddaughters, was walking towards St. Steven’s Church, she stopped at the Memorial Fountain for the Unborn located at the front entrance of church. The two girls sat down on the edge of the fountain, put their arms around each other and held in front of…