Janet Cook April 22 is designated Earth Day to encourage the care and preservation of our natural resources through good stewardship. Kitchen remodeling is full of opportunity to go green, whether one is doing a major kitchen remodeling project or a minor one. Going green is more than just becoming more energy efficient and conserving…
Category: Features
Features, April 2022
Phoenix Sky Harbor Kicks off Virtual Checkpoint Queuing Program

Phoenix Sky Harbor has teamed up with Copenhagen Optimization and CLEAR to offer free reservations for TSA Security Checkpoint lines, helping travelers to manage their trips and eliminate uncertainty and stress over how long it will take to wait in line for security. The new pilot program, PHX RESERVE, gives passengers the ability to schedule…
Features, April 2022
‘We Were the Lucky Ones,’ by Georgia Hunter
Violetta Armour As I write this month’s book review, I am, as I am sure you are also, deeply saddened by the events in Ukraine. As we see families of women and children tearfully boarding trains as the men stay to protect their homeland, I am reminded of the many books my book club of…