Board of Directors meeting minutes – unapproved 5/31/17 Directors Present: Roger Beagle, Bill Greer, Don Hicks, Anne Montgomery, Woody Neiman, Mel Rasmussen and Gay Zawatski Also Present: General Manager Steve Nolan Call to Order: President Mel Rasmussen called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Saguaro Room. He stated that the meeting was being recorded for…
Category: July 2017
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
Edgar Cayce Study Group
Our Search for God study group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in Room A-2 of Cottonwood Country Club. We explore the readings of Edgar Cayce who is recognized as the greatest psychic of the 20th century and the founder of holistic healing. We strive to be healthier, peaceful, and to be one with the…
Religion, July 2017
For a while…
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
Could your balance be better?
Clubs & Classes, July 2017
Advanced Spanish Conversation Group meets weekly
Dianne Zimmerman Want to practice your Spanish? Come join our very welcoming group of advanced conversational Spanish speakers. We come from various backgrounds and desire practicing our language skills in an informal setting. We meet every Wednesday throughout the summer and year-round from 4:15-5:30 p.m. at Oakwood Country Club in the Ocotillo Room of the…
Generals, July 2017
Karaoke and dancing
Mark your calendar for another fun evening of karaoke and dancing on Saturday, July 8, and then again on Saturday, July 22, from 7:00 p.m.-? at Sun Lakes Country Club’s Pro Shop Lounge (Mulligan’s) located at 25425 S. Sun Lakes Blvd., Sun Lakes, AZ. The lounge will be serving food. If you have been to…
Religion, July 2017
Sun Lakes Community Church news
Generals, July 2017
“The Hallelujah Girls” tickets go on sale July 5

The Sun Lakes Community Theatre’s summer show, The Hallelujah Girls, begins on Sunday, July 23, with a matinee starting at 2:00 p.m. in the San Tan Ballroom. There will be no shows on Monday and Tuesday. The production opens again on Wednesday, July 26, through Saturday, July 29, in the San Tan Ballroom. These shows…
Religion, July 2017
Unity: Silent unity
Kay Davis Unity Church of Sun Lakes is a loving, accepting and supportive community of souls. We live a positive lifestyle filled with gratitude, the study of Truth Principles and affirmative prayer. We believe that God is present everywhere, and we are all one in God. Rev. Dr. Debbi Adams is our spiritual leader. Please…
Religion, July 2017
Fall prevention class offered at SLUMC
Allison Scharr, RMA and Care Coordinator for Legacy Home Care, will give a presentation at Sun Lakes United Methodist Church on Thursday, July 6, at 10:00 a.m. on how to prevent falls in the home. She will cover what to do if you fall and how to make your home “fall” safe. Jamie Flesher, RN,…