Category: September 2015

What do you mean you can’t act?

Sandra Bocynesky No problem because we still need you! Sun Lakes Community Theatre (SLCT) has so many opportunities for the membership that acting is just one small part. You see, it takes a village to put on a production. We need all kinds of hands to work on our shows. We are always seeking members…

Ask Your Agents

Dear Cheri, Tammy, and Bety: I was at the airport the other day and noticed the TSA agent putting loose change left by passengers in a container at their security desk. What happens to that money? Signed, Tom Carings, Sun Lakes, AZ Dear Tom, I found this fun article to share with you and our…

IronOaks upcoming events

General Manager’s monthly report Completed Projects in the last 30 days: Tripping hazards at Oakwood along the walking path have been corrected. Speed humps at Oakwood have been installed and tested on Nacoma. We worked with Intel to create a plan for addressing the area on their property that our homeowners are illegally dumping onto.…

Sun Lakes Watermedia Club

Diane Hitt We will have a table at the Cottonwood Open House on Saturday, October 17 from 9:00 a.m.-noon. We would love to have you stop by to talk to us about the Watermedia Club. If you have some experience in watermedia, we would invite you to visit us on a Tuesday from 1:00-3:00 p.m.…

Ataxia Awareness Day fundraiser – October 3

The Arizona Ataxia Support Group, a non-profit associated with the National Ataxia Foundation (NAF), would like to invite you to our fundraising and awareness event on Saturday, October 3 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at the Disability Empowerment Center in Phoenix at 5025 E. Washington St., Phoenix, AZ 85304. Through our event, “Shop Till You Drop…

Sun Lakes Rock, Gem and Mineral shops are open

These handles are made of stone – join the Rock, Gem and Mineral Club to learn how you can make these!

Joe Schwab The Sun Lakes Rock, Gem and Mineral shops are open. Oakwood, Sun Lakes Country Club and Cottonwood are all comfortable, air-conditioned places to spend the morning or hot afternoon, brushing up on skills and finishing that special project. Vic Hermann brought in an array of handles on knives, letter openers, magnifying glasses and…

Free meditation practice

There are many types of meditation practices. TM, Transcendental Meditation, is probably the most popular in modern times because The Beatles and the Beach Boys studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of TM and brought awareness of meditation to the general public. In the TM method the practitioner is given a mantra. A mantra…