Bob Kwait Oil Painting Classes for Beginners are being held on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the Oakwood Art Room. For more information, contact Bob Kwait at 480-802-6986.
Category: September 2018
Clubs & Classes, September 2018
Choose the Right Side
Margaret Crusoe Have you ever wanted to learn to draw or paint, or do you need to refresh your artistic skills? Learn to use the right side of your brain to draw and paint for pleasure. In 1979, Betty Edwards wrote Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Her principles dramatically improved her…
Clubs & Classes, September 2018
Fun Lakers Club news
Carole Sinicki Welcome to September and the beginning of a new season of activities in and around the Sun Lakes and SunBird areas. With that in mind, the Fun Lakers Club has planned a calendar of events which will delight and entertain all of our club members and guests. Fall events include an escape…
Clubs & Classes, September 2018
Other Card Results
Cottonwood Pinochle Join us for Pinochle every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Cottonwood Clubhouse, A-7 Painting Room. 7/04. Women: 1st Arlene Burkhardt 775, 2nd Lillian Look 643, 3rd Ellie Ewish 624; Men: 1st Dennis Mulcahy 777, 2nd Dave Smits 721, 3rd Hal Newton 686 7/11. Women: 1st Ellie Ewish 775, 2nd Arlene Burkhardt…
Clubs & Classes, September 2018
Baggers Club formed at Sun Lakes Country Club

Come join the fun at the new Sun Lakes Bagger’s Club at Sun Lakes Country Club. Fall league and tournaments are coming. Get more information and sign up at Mulligans. June 2018 tournament 1st place winners were Steve Howell and John Jankovich. Second and third place prizes were also awarded. What a great time we…
Religion, September 2018
God Around Town – A new group
Margaret Longo Do you like taking part in and helping get the word out about Christian events, activities, helps and more? This will be a group which has various ways you can join in, help or support this effort to increase attention about Christian events both local and across the USofA. This means we…
Religion, September 2018
A friend to those who need a friend

Rabbi Dr. Irwin Wiener Going through many books and writings over the years, I am sometimes drawn to articles relating to the life of a rabbi, or pastor, or priest, or minister in a congregational setting. It is quite different than being involved in social service efforts, or education. It takes a certain kind of…
Sports, September 2018
IronOaks courses get maintenance makeover
August saw the courses get a major maintenance makeover. All the courses are recovering nicely, and once the overseed is completed in October/November, we should see a great improvement over last year at this time. Great work by our IronOaks golf course maintenance staff! Are you new to the area or just looking for…
Generals, September 2018
Eye-catching holiday newsletter

Hank Unck and Sue Schwartz Annual family newsletters have become just as much a holiday tradition as the decorations, music and festivities of that time of the year. It’s still fun to receive one in the mail but, more and more, they are being sent via email and social media messaging channels. This presentation will…