Dannette Hunnel September is a hot, rugged month. We gardeners are anxious for the upcoming fall planting season. September is a good time to get prepared! Clean planters and pots by emptying the dirt onto an old sheet, tablecloth, or paint drop cloth. Sanitize pots by mixing water and a cap-full of bleach or vinegar…
Category: Generals
September 2024, Generals
The Dance Season Begins on September 22
September 2024, Generals
Breakfast and Lunch at Robson Reserve’s Renovated Dining Room!
Lance Williams Dear Friends and Neighbors, I hope this letter finds you in great health and high spirits. As the Executive Director of Robson Reserve at Sun Lakes, it is with immense pleasure that I extend a warm invitation to you to join us for breakfast and lunch in our newly renovated dining room at…
September 2024, Generals
Want to Recycle Electronics?
Come to the recycling event, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sun Lakes in partnership with AZ StRUT, on Saturday, Nov. 9, from 8 a.m. to noon. Sorry, no early drop-offs. Drop off computers, laptops and accessories, iPads, cell phones, flat-panel TVs and monitors, printers, cables, power supplies, DVD players, VCR players, and calculators in…
September 2024, Generals
Annual Rummage Sale at Risen Savior Lutheran Church
September 2024, Generals
Sun Lakes Board Meetings
Sheryl Johnson A board planning meeting will be held on Sept. 19 in the Phoenix Room at 4 p.m. A board meeting will be held on Sept. 26 in the Phoenix Room and via Zoom at 4 p.m.
September 2024, Generals
Back to School with New Adventures!

Kyle Messner As the end of summer is in sight (almost!) and the sun begins to relent just a little, the anticipation at New Adventures in Learning is rising! With 17 new presenters and a wide variety of topics, it is going to be a great semester! New topics include golf-specific mobility and injury prevention,…
September 2024, Generals
Veterans Coffee Hour
Veterans Coffee Hour is held every second Thursday of the month from 9 to 10 a.m. at Valley of the Sun Memorial Cemetery located at 10940 E. Chandler Heights Road, in Chandler. Join us for coffee and donuts, share stories with fellow veterans, and learn about veteran services. Come join us for the camaraderie! Meeting…
Generals, September 2024
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the October edition is Sept. 12 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: robsonpublishing.com/editorial. For article and photo guidelines or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216. Important holiday deadline note: The deadline for…
Generals, September 2024
Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse to Hold Blood Drive September 28

Bill Shedd The Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse and the American Red Cross will hold our next blood drive on Saturday, Sept. 28, at the Sun Lakes Sheriff’s Posse office, 9531 E. Riggs Road. Please be sure to schedule your appointment by going to our website, www.sunlakesposse.org, and click on the link to pre-register. Since 2020,…