Unit 11 The Unit 11 monthly HOA board meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 16, at 4 p.m. in the Phoenix Room in the Computer Learning Center at the Cottonwood clubhouse. All homeowners are welcome to attend. Unit 19 Sheryl Johnson The October planning meeting will be held in the Phoenix Room on Thursday,…
Category: October 2024
October 2024, Sports
Welcome Back to IronOaks Tennis!

Fall will be a busy season on the IronOaks tennis courts. The IronOaks Tennis Club (IOTC) has something for everyone! Looking for social tennis? Don’t miss the big Welcome Back Fall Fiesta event on Saturday, Nov. 9. This is a great chance to play some friendly tennis, meet new friends, and enjoy a “walkaway taco.”…
October 2024, Sports
Palo Verde Men’s Golf Association
Jeff French Despite the streak of record-setting temperatures throughout July and August, the die-hard PVMGA men played through it all. We’re hoping for better temps as we start the new 2024-25 season in November. Here’s the recap of the most recent results: July 27 Pick Your Partner 1 Net Best Ball Flight 1: 1st Chip…
October 2024, Generals
New Season, New Director, New Music … Let’s Go
Yvonne Orlich A new Sun Lakes Chorale season is beginning. On Sept. 9 we began rehearsals again after a five-month hiatus. But now it’s time to buckle down and start learning new music for the Dec. 12 concert. We are ready and anxious to dive in. This fall’s return is special (well, every return in…
October 2024, Features
Why Hands? Why Feet?
Kathleen Ismael, Reflexology Practitioner The human body is self-sustaining, intricate, and amazing. The Hands and feet are the sensory organs of the body. The fingers sense a myriad of stimuli, such as heat, cold, heavy, light, and pressure to squeeze or release, to name just a few. Movements of the feet stimulate the entire body.…
October 2024, Sports
Sun Lakes Lady Putters

Susan Gottschalk Look for us at our table at the Community Open Houses on Saturday, Oct. 5, at Cottonwood and/or Saturday, Oct. 12, at Sun Lakes Country Club. We look forward to meeting you! Joining the Sun Lakes Lady Putters is a great opportunity to renew friendships, make new friends, and enjoy great exercise and…
October 2024, Clubs & Classes
Roadrunners RV Club New Season Kick-off!
October 2024, Clubs & Classes
Come Check Us Out
Sports, October 2024
CMGA Activities and Results
The monthly Ace of Aces Qualifier was played on Aug. 3. The low gross and low net scores from each flight will qualify for the Ace of Aces Championship at the end of the year. Blue Flight: Low Gross Steve Saturno, Low Net Steve Lowe White Flight 1: Low Gross Paul Brauer, Low Net Michael…
October 2024, Generals
Deadline Reminder and How to Submit Articles
The deadline for the November edition is Oct. 11 by noon. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to [email protected] or use our website link: robsonpublishing.com/editorial. For article and photo guidelines or if you have any questions, please call 480-895-4216.