Cheers Social Group Activities

Cheers Mystery Trip—Solving the Mystery. A group from the Cheers Singles Club took a Free Spirit Vacation’s Mystery Tour and had an interesting, fun-filled day. They first visited the Mescal Movie Set in Benson. It is one of the most-used western movie sets that only recently has been opened to the public. In its over 50 years of use, many iconic movie and TV westerns, including Winchester 73, Rawhide, Bonanza, and Maverick, were shot there.

After the tour and some western enactments, we were off to a buffet lunch and then to Tucson’s The Mini Time Machine Museum of Miniatures. This unique museum features miniature houses with interior furnishings detailed down to books with individual titles. After the museum visit, it was off to an ice cream stop before heading home.

Cheers offers its members numerous travel opportunities, both local and worldwide. An upcoming trip to Tuscany, Italy, is planned for November where members will get to travel and explore several towns and Florence, while staying at a single hotel. Eleven members have already signed on for what promises to be a great experience, and several members are looking forward to the next Mystery Tour on Sept. 15.

Our travel is open to all, since we use travel agents. For more information, visit our website,

Monthly Wine Tasting. Once a month, a member of our group opens their house for wine tasting. Lorene Roberts leads this monthly social time. We try new and exciting wines, followed by a potluck dinner. We have 20 to 35 members join in this great socializing opportunity with friends, and sample what may be new wines to some.

Cheers Golf Group. For the month of May, we played Oakwood, SunBird, Palo Verde, and Cottonwood. We have a great group playing each week and have as many as 12 golfing per round. We have lost a few golfers, as they have left for the summer, but for us hearty golfers, we are toughing it out, and as our temperatures are going up, we try to get as early a tee time as we can. We had one new member join our group in May. Welcome, Bob Del Carlo. See Mike Swoverland at our weekly social time at Oakwood for more information.

After each round, we get together for drinks and social time. If you enjoy golf and socializing, we would love for you to join us.

Cheers Singles Club meets every Thursday in the Bradford Room at the Oakwood clubhouse at 3:30 p.m. All singles are welcomed to come check us out. Contact Ginny Marr at 480-390-5145 or Richard Lewin at 609-332-3915 for more information on our club and membership.