Karen Sproates
From very humble beginnings, the Chordaires Show Chorus has grown over the years. Chordaires originated with a handful of women who loved to sing barbershop-type music and a gal willing to direct them. Some were former Sweet Adeline singers, while others only knew they liked the four-part a cappella blend of music. That handful of women grew over the years to many women as the sound caught others’ attention, and they could see the friendship that exuded from this chorus. Being a part of it was what followed.
The chorus wanted to share their love of barbershop, a cappella music with the community and soon gave birth to the idea of having a yearly spring show. They performed for small audiences on the Sun Lakes Country Club stage with shows featuring themes such as the once-popular TV show Laugh-In. Eventually, the stage was no longer large enough to hold all the singers and cast of the annual shows, and they moved on to different areas to perform in order to accommodate both the singers and a larger audience, taking them from the Oakwood stage, performing Hats Off America, to the Hamilton High School stage performing On the Menu Tonight, Mother Nature’s Delights. After years of moving around, they settled into performing their annual spring show on the San Tan Ballroom stage in Cottonwood. It is where they continue to hold their annual spring show to the delight of Sun Lakers!
This spring will mark their 40th performance, and you are invited to this fabulous extravaganza. The show, A Walk on the Red Carpet, will feature Grammy and Oscar-winning songs. It is sure to be one of their best performances to date. Lots of excitement is already generated about the music to be performed. Their musical director Marc Gaston has many clever ideas for the look and sound of this show to please the audience.
So, come celebrate our 40th anniversary show on Saturday, March 28, 2020, at 2 p.m. in the San Tan Ballroom as we take A Walk on the Red Carpet. Save the date now! You won’t want to miss this one!