CMGA playday results

Steve Martz

Results of recent events:

09/06. Ace of Aces qualifier-Quota Points – Flight 1: 1st Richard Haug, 2nd Stan Mohoric, 3rd Larry Frink; Flight 2: 1st Rick Nelson, 2nd Brad Reis, 3rd Dennis Bockelman; Flight 3: 1st Ron Gunnoe, 2nd Tom Reese, 3rd Jack Wotley and Earl Whiteman; Flight 4: 1st Terence Cronin, 2nd Joseph Klimoske and Ralph Annen; Closest-to-the-Pin and Longest Putt: Richard Haug, Erick Selley, Terence Cronin and Robert Schrote

Qualifiers for Ace of Aces in September: Stan Mohoric, Rick Nelson, Brad Reis, Ron Gunnoe and Joseph Klimoski

09/13. Two Man Teams – Low Net/Low Gross-not the same ball – Flight 1: 1st team Don Dunwoody/Ralph Liguori, 2nd team Larry Frink/Peter Gorman, 3rd team Richard Haug/Marvin Irwin; Flight 2: 1st team Bill Greer/Jim Crandal, 2nd team Gerry Rooney/Thomas Reece, 3rd team Gene Kivi/Jack Wortley; Flight 3: 1st team Bradford Wilson/Tom Rhea, 2nd team Robert Schrote/Gene Brown, 3rd team Terence Cronin/Dick Johnson; Closest-to-the-Pin and Longest Putt: None

09/20. Two Man Team-Blind Draw – Flight 1: 1st team Stan Mohoric and Jeff Singer, 2nd team Tom Wilhelm and William Irwin, 3rd team Richard Haug and Earl Whiteman; Flight 2: 1st team Deam Hermanson and Roger Beagle, 2nd team Dennis Bockelman and Peter Gorman, 3rd team Glenn Martinsen and John Voight; Flight 3: 1st team Terence Cronin and Dick Johnson, 2nd team Joe Ficek and Tom Rhea, 3rd team Gene Brown and Bradford Wilson; Closest-to-the-Pin and Longest Putt: Ron Gunnoe, Sweet Francis, Don Klein and Hank Clausen

09/27. Two Man Team-Select-A-Drive – Flight 1: 1st team Larry Frink and Jack Wortley, 2nd team Dan Paxton and Roger Beagle, 3rd team Stan Mohoric and Peter Gorman; Flight 2: 1st team Don Bartolo and Tom Wilhelm, 2nd team Steve Martz and Ralph Casale, 3rd team Jack Voight and Rick Nelson; 3rd Flight: 1st team Russell Grgich and Ralph Annen, 2nd team Joseph Klimoske and Dick Johnson, 3rd team Robert Schrote and Jim Rahilly; Closest-to-the-Pin: Hole No. 13 Stan Mohoric; Longest Putt: Hole No. 4 Jack Wortley, Hole No. 14 Larry Frink

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