JB Burke
Helen Seaton, Publicity Director
The Computer Booters will begin the new year on Wednesday, Jan. 5, with a talk by JB Burke, President of Prescott Computer Society. His topic is Touring the Web. The meeting will begin at 10 a.m., and members can attend the talk from home or wherever they choose via Zoom.
JB grew up in Chicago and graduated with a BS in economics from Illinois Institute of Technology in 1963 (he’s pretty old). He moved to Silicon Valley and worked for IBM for 32 years. After IBM, he worked for an IBM business partner for nine years. JB moved to Prescott, Ariz., with his wife Nita in 2004. He is now president of the Prescott Computer Society (https://pcs4me.com) as well as providing tech support for many friends and neighbors. JB dabbles in photography. He is on the Organizing Team of the Yavapai Digital Arts and Photo Club (www.yavapaiphotoclub.com) where he produces the monthly newsletter, is a member of the Yavapai College OLLI (tinyurl.com/3fp78ywe) Tech Committee, and teaches occasional OLLI classes. Otherwise, he is retired!
Touring the Web
The World Wide Web, or just “the Web,” is immense. A quick search tells us there are about 4.2 billion indexed pages. And among all those, there are bound to be some that are interesting or informative or educational or entertaining, as well as some that are just plain weird. JB Burke looks for all those. While making his morning coffee, when he is eating lunch, and whenever he finds a spare moment, JB saves them to create this program that he calls “Touring the Web.” It consists of web pages, videos, images, and other tidbits that will, hopefully, keep you entertained for an hour or so. JB’s presentation changes every couple of months.
The Computer Booters Club has many things to offer members, such as free technical assistance, information about new programs, how to use the programs, Microsoft classes, and access to talks and conferences on a variety of topics from APCUG (Association of Personal Computer User Groups). The APCUG classes are free and can be attended using your computer, tablet, or phone with the Zoom.us app. These classes are an exciting benefit for club members. More information and help are available in the newsletter and on our website computerbooters.org. For more information, contact [email protected] or 480-895-2196.