Computer Booters give it a rest


The Volunteers Luncheon held at the Palo Verde clubhouse in April. It was fun to get

Kc Coller, Publicity Director

May’s general meeting was strongly attended and viewed to be a great success! It was the last one before the summer recess.

Ralph Larsson, the club’s new vice president, was introduced. He volunteered and stepped forward to relieve Darrel Kreglo from his long reign at that position. For many years, Darrel has arranged for all of the club’s fantastic speakers, plus much more behind-the-scenes responsibilities. Thank you, Darrel, for all you have done! You certainly brought in thought-provoking and motivating speakers.

This is the time that we also want to extend a thank you to Ralph Larsson who has enthusiasm and attention to the club’s interests in learning. He is extremely appreciated, and we look forward to the upcoming meetings.

May’s general meeting had a different format that involved interaction between the members and volunteer facilitators of various topics while sitting around tables. Questions needing answers were solved between those sharing a table. Hopefully, we can use this format again.

Remember, the club exists and functions because of the volunteering members who want to share in learning about our computers. All jobs are important, and volunteers are always welcome.

Workshops will begin again in October after the meetings have returned on Tuesday, September 4.

Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month from September through May in the Navajo Room at Sun Lakes Country Club, 25601 Sun Lakes Blvd., off Riggs Road. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., but if you come at 6:00 p.m., you can share in cookies and coffee while the meeting is being put together.

Again, everyone have a healthy, safe and relaxing summer. We look forward to your return to share in the new agendas concerning this computer world.