Do you know who this is?
Judy Onken
Do you recognize the lady in the photo? I will provide a few hints, but first some business matters.
Our first luncheon is on Nov. 7. Be sure to make a reservation on the website and get your check in the black box at the Pro Shop, or use Zelle to confirm your intent to attend.
The CLGA is happy to announce several new members for the coming season. The course seems to grow longer for each year we grow older, and several decide to enjoy their game at our sister executive track. Aren’t we fortunate to have the privileges of both a championship course and an executive course available to us? We will miss those who move on, but we are glad to have Mo England and Kathy Langston exercise their incredible recruiting skills that add to our numbers. This year’s class is a D.E.I. special group: Dauntingly young, Exceptionally nice-looking, and Incredibly talented golfers. Introduce yourself to them and invite them in for an adult beverage or a spot of tea.
The lovely lady pictured here graduated from Beloit Memorial High School and the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. She taught kindergarten in West Allis for several years. This all happened sometime between 1955 and 1975. (I don’t want these hints to be too specific.) She started to play golf in junior high but also enjoyed tennis, snow skiing, and the Green Bay Packers.
While on a ski trip to Jackson Hole, Wyo., one New Year’s Eve, a college friend introduced her to a “true” cowboy whose handsomeness was only slightly diminished by his loyalty to the Kansas City Chiefs. She won the $1 bet they made on the Packers vs. Chiefs game, but he won her address and phone number and quickly won her heart. He managed the family ranching operations in Wyoming, and they were married for 53 years.
They wintered for several years in Hawaii, but when friends introduced them to Sun Lakes, they eventually bought their retirement home here in 2000. Since then, she garnered four CLGA Club Championship titles in 2008, 2012, 2013, and 2014. Her best advice: “Manage the course to score fives.” Of course, that doesn’t mean par 3s. Many of you have figured out the identity of this favorite player, but if not, here is one more hint: She is known for one of the all-time favorite golf stories about the tournament competitor who threw up a tuft of grass, the other inquired about wind direction, speed, etc., and then she replied, “Throw up your own damn grass.”
Of course, this is none other than the much-loved Nadine Sanders. She expresses much affection for the club and is especially grateful for the camaraderie of the “after-party” gatherings on the patio and in the lounge.