Kathy Sulser and Mo England at the CLGA booth at the Cottonwood Community Day
Judy Onken
The new season is underway for the Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA)! The first play date in November welcomed new and old members for a friendly scramble and a large number of members for “a sip and a bite” on the Cottonwood patio after the game. If you haven’t added the “afterglow” to your Thursday League game, try to work it into your schedule. It’s a good time to visit with old friends and make new ones. The wait staff treats us like visiting dignitaries, and the lunch menu has something for everyone.
Our recruiting team extraordinaire of Kathy Sulser and Mo England captained the CLGA booth at the Cottonwood Community Day where clubs and organizations introduce themselves. This annual event is a great way to learn about all that goes on in Sun Lakes and is particularly helpful to people new to the community, but it is also worthwhile to old-timers, as new and different activities are added all the time. As a result of the warmth and enthusiasm of these two ladies, we welcome at least 12 new members, one of our larger “freshmen classes.” Thanks, ladies! We need to back-fill our membership, as some “age out” each year.
We installed new officers at our November luncheon. Zara Logan presided, with assistance from Deb Feist, Sandy Worden, and Paddy Newton in the vice president, secretary, and treasurer roles. Much gratitude to immediate past President Patty Hegenbarth and her team as they finish their very successful terms. These clubs don’t happen without the effort and willingness of people who step up to the plate with personal contribution.