Kathryn Campbell, 2023 CLGA Most Improved Golfer
Cindy Edwards
These past months the intrepid women of Cottonwood Ladies Golf Association (CLGA) braved the chilly mornings in order to participate in both days’ play and tournaments. All agree that they are looking forward to the warmer mornings that will hopefully arrive before too long!
We have some catching up to do since our last deadline.
CLGA celebrated the holiday season with gusto, starting with a spirited round of our traditional Santa Scramble, followed by a festive luncheon. A big thanks to all who helped make the day a success. At that luncheon, Kathryn Campbell was announced as winner of the Most Improved Golfer Award. Congratulations, Kathryn!
Although the Handicap Tournament was during December, this is our first chance to recognize our 2023 Handicap Champion. Diane Tenney deserves a shout-out! Congratulations to Diane who scored 73 both days, for a total of 146! Flight winners were as follows: Flight 1: Cindy Ryan, Flight 2: Billie Seiberling, and Flight 3: Rita Healy.
January brought Match Play, the game that is loved by many and not so much by some. A membership meeting was held following the first day of the tournament. The CottonVerde Tournament was held on Jan. 23. We always look forward to this event. This year was Palo Verde’s turn to put on the party. More on these events next month.
If you are new to our community or just want to return to 18-hole golf with a scheduled tee time, know that CLGA always welcomes new members. If you would like more information, please contact our membership chair Patti Hegenbarth. You can join at any time of the year.
As a final note, Judy Onken retired as Splash reporter following several years of contributions to the Splash. On behalf of CLGA, I would like to thank her for her commitment to report the goings on of the group. It will be difficult to be as erudite and entertaining as Judy has been, but I will attempt to keep all well informed!