Pictured is Karen Fischer. Sandy Eeds took this photo. For some reason, our directory photo didn’t bring out the hidden charm of the subject. I understand it took two dozen attempts to get this perfect image. Thank heaven for unlimited data plans on these telephones.
Judy Onken
Karen Fischer has won the CLGA Championship two years in a row. I interviewed her for this special article honoring her achievement, but I can’t read my notes. Please excuse errors and omissions. (I let my insurance policy on that lapse last year.) The interview was before golf on a Thursday, so I don’t have wine consumption as an excuse. Must be from advanced age.
Karen comes to us from Southern California where she and her husband still have a business, primarily serving the defense industry, and it requires his commuting. She has a married daughter here in the area and a son in California who is responsible for her grandkids. Karen disavows any responsibility for California politics or making Arizona a purple state.
Ms. Fischer served four years as vice president and tournament chairman of the Southern California Women’s Golf Association of 27,000 ladies, which covered the area from San Luis Obispo to San Diego. She has been Senior Women’s Champ at both Lake Arrowhead Country Club and Tijeras Country Club. This experience and her life motto of “a glass half full” makes her an invaluable member of CLGA.
Her personal contribution to making our CLGA a fun-loving group is unsurpassed.