Our Cottonwood Lady Niners golf season is back in full swing—literally! With the first two months under our belts, we are looking forward to a winter of fun games and camaraderie with our lady golfers.
Our Christmas party was a rousing success, with golfers attired in holiday sweaters riding in carts decked out in Christmas décor. After a fun nine holes of Bingo Bango Bongo, the ladies gathered for celebration, pizza, and a cookie exchange on the patio. The special entertainment was playing Christmas carols on kazoos, led by Jean Nelson. Laughs and giggles were aplenty!
Upcoming events include preparing for our Member/Guest play in March. Proceeds from the day will be donated to a charity to be determined. Additionally, we play our own ball on the first Thursday of play, January through April, to determine our group’s representatives to the State Medallion tournament held each January. In years past, our group has placed on the top of their flights among lady golfers from all over the state. This year’s players representing our Niners were as follows: Team 1: Margo Sodahl (gross) and Julia Collier (net); Team 2: Susan Utzinger (gross) and Cindy Fulton (net). The event was held on Jan. 10 at Oakwood.
The Cottonwood Lady Niners play a nine-hole shotgun every Thursday afternoon from November through the end of May. Games change every week and include variations of scrambles, team games, and individual play. Ladies of all ages and ability (including novice golfers) find this fun-loving group friendly and tolerant of all skill levels. Immediately following golf, members enjoy rehashing the day’s play in the club lounge or on the patio.
We welcome ladies from all Phases of Sun Lakes to join. A number of seasonal luncheons and play dates with other ladies leagues in Sun Lakes are held throughout the season. An annual Member/Guest event is also held each year, with proceeds donated to a selected charity. Dues are currently $90 for the year, which includes your handicap service. Contact President Minna Rasmussen at 615-440-9982 or [email protected] for details.