Bob Kaczmarek
If you like to golf, this is a great bunch of guys! Build new friendships, play for fun, or be competitive. We play most Saturdays year round. Four times a year we have two-day major tournaments.
Get a USGA Handicap. Have access to game improvement videos and tips from our pros.
All skill levels are welcome. We have players whose handicaps range from a +2 to 38. Our ages range from 55 to 85+.
Several times a year we challenge other clubs at other courses for prizes and bragging rights. We have monthly meetings that you are welcome to attend and give input on how the club is run.
Some of the events we hold are as follows:
• Our Member–Member event is the signature event of the year.
• Our Member–Guest event can showcase our course to your friends and/or family.
• Our Ace of Aces event is a tournament where only winners throughout the year qualify.
• The Club Championship is a three-day event to determine the best golfer of each skill level.
• The Presidents Cup is a Match Play event played over several weeks.
• A B C D events are held regularly. Play with players of various skill levels and meet new friends.
• Individual events: Scrambles, Ringers, Best Balls, and many more.
During the winter months, you can play either morning or afternoon.
The entry fee is $15 for most tournaments, and prizes are awarded weekly in both Pro Shop chits and cash for skins. All events are flighted by handicap.
We have luncheons, dinners, and parties throughout the year.
Stop in the Pro Shop and fill out an application. New members will receive a logo hat, logo balls, and a logo ball marker.