Cottonwood Men’s Golf Association August Activities

Buddy Meola

August started off with the Ace of Aces qualifier played Aug. 5. The players with the low gross and low net score in each flight qualify for the Ace of Aces tournament to be played later in the year.

Blue Flight: Low Gross Steve Bennett, Low Net Lowell Hargrove

White Flight 1: Low Gross Robert Mifflin, Low Net James Grube

White Flight 2: Low Gross Ron Vail, Low Net Al Grefsheim

Green Flight: Low Gross Ron Hance, Low Net Dennis Madigan

On Aug. 12 a flighted Pick Your Partner team competition was played. The team score included a net and gross score.

Blue Flight: Winning Team: Steve Bennett/David Reap, Second Place Team: Russel Laurin/Jason Burger

White Flight: Winning Team: Thomas Bersano/Timothy Mandt, Second Place Team: Kevin Gillespie/Garrett Bertsch

On Aug. 19 a Team Match Play competition was played with an A Flight player teamed with a D Flight player against a B Flight player teamed with a C Flight player. There were 10 matches played, with 6 matches won by the A&D combination.

On Aug. 26 a flighted Combo Competition was played. The format was an individual score, but it was determined by the Pro Shop’s selection of two par 3s, two par 5s, and five par 4s. The selection of the holes was made after play started, so the players were unaware of which holes would be counted.

Blue Flight: Low Gross Steve Lowe, Low Net Robert Mifflin

Blue Flight Second: Low Gross Pat Conry, Low Net Mark Lynne and Neal Lordos

White Flight 1: Low Gross Bob Schaedel and Jim Grube, Low Net Keith Peterson

White Flight 1 Second: Low Net Ron Sarnicki, Low Gross Jim Govea

White Flight 2: Low Net Pat Hawkins and Craig Christensen

White Flight 2 Second: Low Gross Kevin Gillespie

Green Flight: Low Gross Robert Schrote, Low Net Scott Johnson

September events included an Ace of Aces qualifier, a Pick Your Partner team alternate shot, a flighted Individual Low Gross/Low Net, an ABCD Team Select A Drive lowest team score, and a Team Versus the Pros and CMGA President.