Cottonwood Niners April Updates

Vy Armour, Publicity

Cottonwood Niners continue to have golf fun on Thursday afternoons with a variety of events, as well as charity contributions.

In February, there was a two-week eclectic tournament where players could improve their game hole-by-hole with a second round of play. Gross score winners were Minna Rasmussen, Marilyn Jasper, Tracy Thornock, Christine Lacourtre, Delores Czaja, Laura Carothers, Pam Wagoner, Jackie Kellerman, and Jane Watkins. Net score winners were Kathleen Gardner, Sue Lawless, Patsy Siegismund, Vy Armour, M. Debusschere, Fran Kelly, Moe Bleth, Patty Landry, and Diane Rutowski.

State Medallion winners of March 4 were as follows:

Gross Scores: Eden Carter, Minna Rasmussen, Susan Utzinger, Marilyn Lloyd, Christine Lacourtre, M. Debusschere, Jackie Kellerman, Jennifer Pender, and Moe Bleth

Net Scores: Rachelle Wilson, Kathleen Gardner, Sandy Tennant, Kitch Trost, Jill Brindley, Kathy Chebuhar, Margie Calhoun, Donna Wolmutt, and Joanne Dunn

March 18 was the Member-Member, a four-person scramble event with part of entry fees going to a charity, and up until April 7, there will be collection boxes at the Cottonwood golf course for clothing, nonperishable foods, and pet supplies, for donations to Hidden Treasures, local food bank, and Rover’s Rest Stop. So, winter homeowners, you now have a place to send those items you don’t want left in the cupboard.

The season’s final meeting will be held April 8, in the Saguaro Room starting at 10:30 a.m., with an awards luncheon to follow. A great way to end another fun season, recognizing our members and their accomplishments. The nominating committee will also be presenting a slate of officers for the 2021-2023 seasons.

Quote of the week: “The most important shot in golf is the next one.” -Ben Hogan