Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes


Message from the Board President

Mel Rasmussen

I would like to take this time to thank all of you who elected me in my run for the Board. It is both a privilege and honor to have served the community in this capacity.

Much has been accomplished in the three terms I have served on this team. We have a new maintenance facility, both Cottonwood and Palo Verde have upgrades, the San Tan Ballroom has been upgraded and we have increased our footprint of property to include the lot at the southeast corner of Riggs and S. EJ Robson Blvd. In the two years I was off the Board, the John R. Dobson Administration Building was built. Once again, you allowed me to participate as a Board member for a third term, and I thank you for your support. As I write this, one more piece to this community is up for a vote. My hope is that the Fitness Activity Center Facility receives your approval.

I also want to thank the Board members I have had a chance to work with. They are truly a team who has this community at heart. Also, a big thank you to our General Manager Steve Nolan, who has put together an outstanding management team to run this small city. And last but not least, a huge thank you to my wife Melaine who has stood by me all the way, giving encouragement and support. You don’t take on this kind of job without involving the one you live with. Again, God bless you and may the Lord continue to bless and prosper our community.

Please allow me to now introduce our Employee of the Month, Joanne Barnes. Joanne has been with the Association for five years. She started in Homeowner Services as an attendant and because of her exceptional work ethic, was promoted to Administrative Assistant of Architecture Compliance. No matter how busy Joanne is, she is always polite, patient and extremely helpful with both homeowners and renters. She explains and helps everyone through the process with a smile. She handles her many daily interruptions with a cheery and positive attitude. We are a better HOA because of her dedication to the job. I can say that because of personal experience. Thank you and congratulations.

Upcoming events

All tickets for Cottonwood Palo Verde shows and events can be purchased at our Homeowner Services location.

Upcoming “TAD” Concerts

“The 3 International Tenors” – Tuesday, April 10

“ABBAFAB” – Tuesday, May 1

“Not Fade Away” (Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper) -Tuesday, June 12

“December 63”(Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons Tribute) – Tuesday, July 24

Linda Ronstadt – Tuesday, August 14

The Glen Campbell Story – Tuesday, September 25

The Chicago Experience – Tuesday, October 23

So This Is Christmas (All New Show!), Tuesday, December 12

Ladies Coffee

Next coffee will be on Wednesday, April 4, 2018, in the San Tan Ballroom, starting at 10:30 a.m. The Sun Lakes Chordaires will be on hand to sing. Ticket price is still only $3. We’ll be serving cookies, coffee, hot and iced tea. Lots of raffle items to give away.

The Great Banjo Summit

Back by popular demand, The Great Banjo Summit will take place in the San Tan Ballroom on Tuesday, April 3. Three of the world’s top banjo players, Howard Alden, Tyler Jackson and Rob Wright, will join talents and provide us with a fun-filled night to remember. Tickets are only $15.

Third Annual Fun Walk

To make it easier for everyone this year, we are taking registration applications NOW for the Saturday, November 3, third annual Fun Walk (all Sun Lakers and their guests are invited). The walk will start at 9:00 a.m. at the greenbelt (north lake) across from the CW tennis courts. Applications can be picked up at the Cottonwood Homeowner Services Office or you can go online at The fee is still only $20. For that, you will receive a t-shirt, a goodie bag, a great Pep Rally the night before, along with a free raffle ticket for a chance to win a super gift (must be present to win). The Pep Rally will be in the San Tan Ballroom on Friday, November 2, starting at 5:30 p.m. for registered walkers ONLY. Come and enjoy platters of fruits, vegetables and a variety of cheese. All profit will go to the Cottonwood Palo Verde Foundation, which contributes and supports all of Sun Lakes.

Upcoming Food & Beverage Events

Sunday, April 1 – Easter Breakfast Buffet CW

Sunday, April 1 – Palo Verde Easter Brunch

Saturday, April 14 – Roaring ‘20s/End of the Year Party

Saturday, April 21 – Crab Feast Palo Verde

FREE Skin Cancer Screening – Starting again in October

Dr. Joseph Allgeier of Radiant Complexions Dermatology Clinic will be conducting a Free Skin Cancer Screening in Cottonwood’s Phoenix Room (A-9) from 8:00-11:00 a.m. on the second Wednesdays. All Sun Lakers are invited. No appointment needed. The doctor will see you on a first-come basis. The next screening date is April 11, 2018.

FREE Exercise Equipment Classes

Personal Trainer Deryk Garmanian and his assistant/homeowner Brenda Waara will be instructing, at no cost, a Weight Room & Equipment Orientation Class at the Ladies Fitness Center from noon to 1:00 p.m., for both men and women (at this time) on the following third Wednesday: May 16, 2018. Please sign up at Homeowner Services. If there are less than four students, Deryk will cancel the class and contact those who have signed up.

Healthwaves Lab Screenings and Testing

Healthwaves will be available for testing in Cottonwood’s Paint Room (A-7) from 8:00 a.m. to noon on second Mondays. The next date is May 14, 2018.

Rover’s Rest Stop

Mark your calendars and tell all your friends that Rover’s Rest Stop’s Meet & Greet Adoptions will be held on the second Saturday of each month (they will either be on the greenbelt in front of the Admin Office, on the greenbelt across from the Cottonwood tennis courts or in Cottonwood’s A-6 Dance Room) per weather conditions, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Here’s a great chance for you to bring home an adorable new family member. For more information, call 480-600-2828 and, remember, a little dog will be there waiting desperately for a place to call home. Dates are April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14 and August 11, 2018.

Upcoming Traveling Tours Through “Free Spirit”

To book any of these trips, call Free Spirit Vacation at 480-926-5547 or email Please remind them that you are a Cottonwood Palo Verde homeowner. Event information flyers can be found at Cottonwood’s Homeowner Services or CW Library.


4/5 – Arizona Wine Safari

4/7 – IndyCar Race Experience

4/8-4/14 – Southern Charm-Charleston Savannah

4/9 – The Sky’s the Limit

4/15-4/19 – The Best of Branson

4/20-4/22 – Palm Springs and the Ramona Pageant

4/24-4/27 – National Parks of the Southwest

5/7-5/11 – Myrtle Beach Getaway

5/19 – Jerome Historical Homes Tour

5/20-6/1 – Italian Vistas

Hamilton High School to award vets honorary diplomas

Ed Hermanski, U.S. History Instructor

Hamilton High School’s graduation will soon be upon us. We would like to continue our tradition of giving honorary diplomas to any veteran who has served this great country but did not get a high school diploma. All we need is a copy of your DD214. You do not have to live within the school’s boundary or even be from Arizona. We have had many veterans from out of state graduate with our students. We have also had grandfathers graduate with their grandkids – emotional, to say the least.

Graduation is May 30 at 2:30 p.m. at the Wells Fargo Arena on the ASU campus. If you are a veteran who would be interested in graduating with the Hamilton Class of 2017, please contact Ed Hermanski at 602-717-0302 or you can email me at v

Board of Directors meeting minutes

Roger Beagle, Secretary

Directors Present: Mel Rasmussen, Anne Montgomery, Woody Neiman, Roger Beagle, Don Hicks, Gay Zawatski, Bill Greer

Directors Not Present: None

Also Present: General Manager Steve Nolan

Guests: Bob Revolinski, Aquatic Biologist; President of Water Resource Management

Call to Order: President Mel Rasmussen called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Saguaro Room. He stated that the meeting was being recorded for the accuracy of the minutes.

Pledge of Allegiance: Secretary Roger Beagle gave a biography of the military and professional career of Veteran Paul “Pete” Pietrak. Mr. Pietrak was thanked for his service and led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of the January 31, 2018, Board Meeting Minutes: President Rasmussen called for the approval of the January 31, 2018, Board Meeting Minutes. Anne Montgomery made a motion, seconded by Woody Neiman, to approve the January 31, 2018, Board Meeting Minutes. The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

President’s Message: President Rasmussen referenced a main waterline break the previous Saturday which resulted in shutting the water down to the entire Cottonwood complex. The waterline was four feet underground and needed to be hand dug. Three employees volunteered and, along with Jim Miller, worked from 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. to repair the break. This represents the high quality and dedication of employees we have in our community.

Employee of The Month: President Rasmussen announced that Joanne Barnes from the Administration Office is our Employee of the Month for February. He stated that Joanne has been with the HOA for five years. She started in HO Services as an attendant and was promoted to Administrative Assistant/Architectural Compliance. No matter how busy, Joanne is always cheerful, helpful and patient with homeowners and renters. We are a better HOA because of her dedication.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer Woody Neiman presented the January 31, 2018, Financial Summary. A detailed report will be available for viewing in Homeowner Services.

Don Hicks made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the January, 2018, pre-audited Financial Report.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner comments. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Special Guest Presentation:

Steve Nolan introduced Bob Revolinski who has consulted for the Association since 1985. Mr. Revolinski shared a summary of his background before giving a presentation/update on the status of the 5 Lakes. He stated the golden algae present in the lakes showed up in the Valley in 2014. It is an organic toxin that kills fish and thrives in cooler temperatures, primarily November to May in Arizona. Cottonwood Palo Verde uses well water to feed the lakes which is a good water source. The lakes are being tested weekly and the plan is to start restocking the fish in April. In summary, we have a great system in our community. Questions by homeowners were answered outside the meeting.

Committee and Task Force Reports:

Architectural Compliance Committee: The report was given of their meetings held on February 6 and 20. Among the subjects discussed at the meetings were 104 permits were approved, 1 denied and 2 require follow-up. The Committee answered homeowner questions regarding permits. Congratulated Joanne on being Employee of the Month. Their next meetings are March 6 and 20 at 8:30 a.m. in the A-7 Paint Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board or Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Audit & Finance Committee: The report was given of their meeting held on February 1. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting were reviewed end of the year financial reports, looking into Bond Funding with a representative from Chase Bank, will be meeting with the HOA Accounting Dept. to review the bill payment and internal control process. Their next meeting is March 1 at 3:00 p.m., in the Phoenix Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board or Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Communications Committee: The report was given of their meeting held on February 5. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting were various reports from the Board Liaison, Admin. Serv. Manager, Recreation Manager, New Friends Ambassadors, Food & Beverage and Facilities & Grounds. Their next meeting is March 5, 8:30 a.m., in the A-8 Ceramics Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board or Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Election Committee: The report was given of their meeting held on February 13. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting were reviewed and prepared voting documents. Their next meeting is March 7 at 1:30 p.m., in the A-8 Ceramics Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board or Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Facilities & Grounds Committee: The report was given of their meeting held on February 6. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting were monthly reports by managers, answered questions from homeowners regarding the 5 Lakes, discussed 2018 future projects, work session on February 21. There will be two (2) open seats pending Board approval of the request to expand the Committee from five to seven members. Their next meeting is March 6, 10:00 a.m. in the Phoenix Room.

They have one recommendation for the Board: 1) Change BP 10-6, Facilities & Grounds Charter from five to seven members.

They have no recommendations for Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Food & Beverage Committee: The report was given of their meeting held on February 1. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting were the Board Liaison Reports, management reports and comment cards. Discussed PV storage and adding wheelchair availability. The audience members were reminded to look at The Flyer to keep informed of events. Their next meeting is March 1, 9:00 a.m., in the Saguaro Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board or Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Golf Committee: The report was given of their meeting held on February 7. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting were: reports from Board Liaison and management, approved 7 items to F&G Committee, golf usage is up, Lady 9ers membership has increased substantially. There was clarification regarding golf dues paying for golf operation. Their next meeting is March 7 at 2:00 p.m. in the Phoenix Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board or Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Recreation Committee: The report was given for their meeting held on February 5. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting: Rescheduled interviews, wording approved on pickleball sign. Their next meeting is March 5, 1:30 p.m., in the Phoenix Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board.

They have one recommendations for Management: 1) Order and place the pickleball sign.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Safety, Security and Access Committee: The report was given of their meeting held on February 7. Among the subjects discussed at the meeting: Committee members going to other Committees to observe, reviewing documents, one seat open. Their next meeting is March 7, 10:00 a.m. in the Saguaro Room.

They have no recommendations for the Board or Management.

Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Project Reports:

Fitness Activity Center Project: Board Vice President Anne Montgomery reported there are two items under New Business (#16B and #16C) regarding the new Fitness Center Facility. There will be two (2) Workshops on March 5 at 10:00 a.m. in the San Tan Ballroom and at 6:00 p.m. in the Saguaro Room. Ken Eller, Architect with Archi-Cad and Bethany Garrity with The National Institute for Fitness and Sports, will be present at the workshops.

Management Report: Steve Nolan gave the management report. Art at the Lakes is Saturday, March 3, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., first Coffee with the GM was well attended, the next Coffee with the General Manager is scheduled for March 28 at 9:00 a.m. Dick Gothier, Patrol Manager, will be the special guest. A large hairline crack was repaired in the blacktop at the Administration Bldg., power washing continues, data-lines were installed at the Cottonwood Pro Shop, a main waterline was repaired at Cottonwood. Workshops for the Fitness Facility are posted in The Flyer and In the Know.

There was discussion on the following topics: None

Directors Comments:

Gay Zawatski: There have been great TAD and dinner events put on by Food & Beverage and Recreation. Thank you to Marshall and Linda.

Roger Beagle: thanked Mr. Pietrak for his military service, thanked members that are working on Fitness Center project, thanked the Accounting Dept., congratulated Joanne for being Employee of the Month, congratulated Woody Neiman and Hank Unck on their Board nominations. Reminded everyone of “dates to remember”: ballots going out, workshop dates, final voting date, Annual HOA Meeting.

Anne Montgomery: Thanked Mr. Pietrak for his military service and the homeowners in attendance.

Woody Neiman: Thanked Mr. Pietrak for his military service, thanked Jim Miller for fixing the waterline. Audit report is complete. Thanked the Accounting Dept. Thanked Common Area workers for rocking the south side of Riggs east of EJ Robson Blvd.

Bill Greer: Thanked homeowners in attendance and Mr. Pietrak for his military service, thanked Steve Nolan, recognized Jon Griglak for getting his class “A” PGA professional status.

Don Hicks: Thanked Mr. Pietrak for his military service, thanked Joanne, thanked homeowners in attendance, noted how important the Fitness Center Facility workshops are to attend, reminded everyone of the Annual Meeting on March 28.

Capital Reserve Replacement Fund Requests:

President Rasmussen introduced Capital Reserve Replacement request #11, Item A.

Roger Beagle made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve replacing Palo Verde Pump #2, for the sole source bid of $16,946.00 from Independent Pump Service.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced Capital Reserve Replacement request #11, Item B.

Woody Neiman made a motion, seconded by Bill Greer, to approve replacing the Common Area Maintenance Toro Workman HDX, for the low bid of $25,076.92 from Simpson Norton.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced Capital Reserve Replacement request #11, Item C.

Anne Montgomery made a motion, seconded by Roger Beagle, to approve replacing the Common Area Maintenance Harper TV-40 Vacuum, for the low bid of $22,868.48 from Simpson Norton.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was discussion: Fred Hanus asked about where the money comes from to pay for these items. Woody Neiman stated it is not a line item on the budget, but rather part of the Capital Reserve Fund. Bill Todd stated it is a high-volume vacuum used by Common Area Maintenance. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced Capital Reserve Replacement request #11, Item D.

Woody Neiman made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve replacing two (2) Toro Workman HDX for Golf Course Maintenance at Cottonwood and Palo Verde, for the low bid of $50,153.85 from Simpson Norton.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced Capital Reserve Replacement request #11, Item E.

Roger Beagle made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the Purchase of a 2018 Toyota Prius C with replacement/trade-in, for the low bid of $13,933.77 from Big Two Toyota.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

PV Gate Reserve Fund: None

Capital Improvement Fund Requests: None

Voluntary Contribution Fund: None

Old Business:

President Rasmussen introduced Old Business request #15, Item A.

Don Hicks made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the change to ACC Guideline Page 27 and 28, Item B Fences, as recommended by the Architectural Compliance Committee.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced Old Business request #15, Item B.

Roger Beagle made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve the change to Board Policy, 4-16 HOA Carry Forward Fund.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced Old Business request #15, Item C.

Anne Montgomery made a motion, seconded by Don Hicks, to approve the change to ACC Guideline Page 15, Item A Side Fences and Item B Front Entrance Gates, as requested by the Architectural Compliance Committee.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

New Business:

President Rasmussen introduced New Business request #16, Item A.

Don Hicks made a motion, seconded by Anne Montgomery, to approve changes to Board Policy, 10-6 Facilities & Grounds Committee Charter to increase the number of members from five to seven.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was no discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced New Business request #16, Item B.

Don Hicks made a motion, seconded by Roger Beagle, to approve the Fitness Center Facility Plans as presented by Archi-Cad.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was discussion: Anne Montgomery stated this is for the Elevations, Floorplans and site plans for the homeowner vote, March 21, 2018. Motion carried unanimously.

President Rasmussen introduced New Business request #16, Item C.

Roger Beagle made a motion, seconded by Woody Neiman, to approve the $1,650,000 in Capital Funds to be used to offset the homeowner assessment for the construction of the new Fitness Activity Center upon approval of the pending homeowner vote, March 21, 2018.

The floor was opened to Board and homeowner discussion. There was discussion: Woody Neiman stated the money in the Capital Funds comes from new homeowner Capital Contribution fees. The Workshops will explain further. Motion carried unanimously.

First Readings: None

Homeowner Comments:

* A homeowner asked if there are common themes on the various comment cards. Hank Unck responded primarily F&B cards are personal likes and dislikes and Facilities & Grounds are safety issues. Managers read and respond to all cards.

* Kathy Skrei questioned why the Lady 9ers Exception to the Board was not on the Agenda. Bill Greer stated the Golf Pros are going to review options.

* A homeowner asked where they received the estimates for the Fitness Center Facility and if they went out for bids, is the project new construction or tear down. Anne Montgomery stated the financial numbers are from professional estimators and the project will go out for bid once the financials have been approved by homeowners. The project is new construction.

* Glenna Reeves asked if handouts would be available at the workshops. Steve Nolan stated yes, there will be handouts.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.