Cottonwood Palo Verde at Sun Lakes – June 2014

Board of Director Meeting Minutes (unapproved) 4/30/14

Directors present: Richard Hawkes, Don Hicks, Bud Jenssen, Jerry Lofquist, Dick, Norris, Nancy Pannebecker and Kathy Skrei

Directors not present: None

Also present: General Manager Steve Nolan

Board President Kathy Skrei called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. It was stated the meeting is being recorded for accuracy of the minutes.

Bud Jenssen introduced and gave a short biography of the military and civilian life of our HOA Building and Facilities Manager, Jim Miller. Former Marines veteran Jim Miller then led the Pledge of Allegiance. Jim was thanked for his service to our Country and to our HOA.

Bud Jenssen made a motion, seconded by Richard Hawkes, to approve the March 26, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes and the March 26, 2014 Annual Board Meeting Minutes. The motion carried unanimously.


Kathy Skrei reported that everything is going well and several projects are underway. The status of these projects will be reported later in the meeting. She announced that Facilities and Grounds and the Long Range Board and Management Planning Team will be bringing five projects for 2014 to the Board and are on today’s agenda. She thanked everyone involved for their efforts regarding bringing forth these projects to the Board.


Nancy Pannebecker presented the March 31, 2014 Financial Summary. A detailed report will be available for viewing in Homeowner Services.

It was stated that as of the end of March, 35 percent of the new Administration Building Project budget has been spent.

Don Hicks made a motion, seconded by Dick Norris, to approve the March 31, 2014 pre-audited financial report. The motion carried unanimously.


Sun Lakes Women’s Association: Steve Nolan introduced President Sharon Horton, and Secretary Carole Elliott and announced that the SLWA donated $3,000 that will go toward three 60” monitors at the new Administration Building; two in the entryway and one in the conference room. He thanked the SLWA for their generous donation. Sharon Horton thanked everyone for their support and donations to SLWA. Kathy Skrei thanked SLWA for their donation.

Larry and Kathy Sundsrud on behalf several of homeowners: Steve Nolan introduced Kathy Sundsrud who on behalf of a group of 60 Cottonwood and Palo Verde homeowners, donated $4,000 for a LED lighting system on their neighborhood fountain on Lake 13 at the San Tan gate. Mrs. Sundsrud announced that Dick and Nadeen Vogel and Grant Burr were also present, who helped with the fundraising for this project.

Kathy Skrei thanked this group of homeowners who raised funds for this project.


Architectural Compliance Committee: The report was given of its meetings held on April 3 and 17; 114 permit applications were approved, four denied, 30 requiring follow up and 48 requiring ongoing follow up.

The committee has two recommendations for the Board: 1) to approve the appointments of Al Cote and Pete Menconi to the ACC to replace former members Dave Harnisch and Rich Wiley; and 2) approve changes to ACC Guideline No. 21 – Painting. The committee has no recommendations for management. The next meeting is May 1.

Audit and Finance Committee: The report was given of its meeting held April 9. Steve Nolan, staff and financial team were thanked for their help and support in the undertaking of the equipment inventories. Their next meeting is May 14 at 2:00 p.m. in the Saguaro Room.

The committee has no recommendations for the Board or management. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Communications Committee: Jim Miller was thanked for his service to our country.

The report was given of its meeting held April 7. Brian Mastin and Beth Becker were thanked for their efforts on the revised website which is now operational. Ambassadors had seven tours and 28 tours year to date.

The committee has no recommendations for the Board or management. The next meeting is May 5 at 8:30 a.m. in the Ceramics Room. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Election Committee: The report was given of its meeting held April 2. Jim Miller was thanked for his service to our country and for all he does for the association.

They have two recommendations for the Board to approve the appointments of Ruthannis Rogers and Bob Elliott to replace members Priscilla Gazey and Dena Brown. The committee also has one recommendation for the Board to approve, presently in Old Business – changes to BP 11-01 Voting Policies and Guidelines. The committee has no recommendations for management. The next meeting is May 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Ceramics Room. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Facilities and Grounds Committee: The report was given of its meeting held April 7.

They have five projects for 2014 on today’s agenda for Board approval. The committee has no recommendations for management. The next meeting is May 5 at 9:30 a.m. in the Painting Room. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Food and Beverage Committee: The report was given of its meeting held April 3.

It was announced that they have a new chef, Jim Swales, at Palo Verde.

The committee has no recommendations for the Board or management. The next meeting is May 1, 9:00 a.m. in the Saguaro Room. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Golf Committee: The report was given of its meeting held April 3. The next meeting is May 1 at 3:00 p.m. in the Phoenix Room.

The committee has one recommendation for the Board to approve recommendation that the Palo Verde Couples League have representation on the Golf Committee starting in year 2014-2015. The committee has one recommendation for management. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Recreation Committee: The report was given of its meeting held April 7. The next meeting is May 5 at 1:30 p.m. in the Phoenix Room. Main discussions were on recreational facilities and activities and presentations from clubs and coordinating assistance from the Recreation Committee to help the Recreation Department. The committee has no recommendations for the Board or management. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Safety, Security and Access Committee: Jim Miller was thanked for his service to our country. The report was given of its meeting held April 2. The next meeting is May 7 at 10:00 a.m. in the Saguaro Room.

The committee has no recommendations for the Board or management. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

Administration Building Task Force: Don Hicks gave the report of its meeting held April 14. The project is on schedule and is moving at a rapid pace. Completion is expected toward the end of July.

The committee has one recommendation on today’s agenda, for the Board to approve Farnsworth Change Order No. 7 for upgraded flooring at a cost of $9,390 as recommended by the Administration Building Task Force. The next meeting is to be determined. Watch for the article in this week’s Flyer. Complete minutes of this committee’s meetings are available for viewing at Homeowner Services.

At this time, Kathy stated that Chuck Reinhart takes pictures of the construction progress which are available for viewing on the website.


Cottonwood Pool Restroom – Steve Nolan reported that the underground inspection and concrete inspection was completed. Masonry work has begun and blocks installed.

Palo Verde Golf Cart Storage – Steve Nolan reported that this project permit has been approved and has gone out for bid. It will go to the Board for approval hopefully in May.

Palo Verde Racquetball Court Repairs – Steve Nolan reported that our insurance company selected Farnsworth Construction to do the repairs and this is a major projected, expected to be completed in September.

MANAGEMENT REPORT: Steve Nolan gave the Management Report.


Jerry Lofquist thanked Jim Miller for his military service. He mentioned he liked seeing so many homeowners at today’s meeting.

Don Hicks thanked Jim Miller for his military service, thanked the SLWA for their donation, Larry and Kathy Sundsrud and their group for raising funds for the fountain lights and thanked the committees.

Nancy Pannebecker thanked Jim Miller for his military service.

Richard Hawkes thanked Jim Miller for his military service and the Millers for bringing Jim to Arizona. He thanked Larry and Kathy Sundsrud and homeowners involved in raising the funds and SLWA for their contributions.

Dick Norris thanked Jim Miller, SLWA, Larry and Kathy Sundsrud and homeowners involved in raising the funds and was happy to see so many homeowners today.

Bud Jenssen thanked Jim Miller for his military service and thanked his family, SLWA and Larry and Kathy Sundsrud for organizing the raising of the funds for LED lighting system on the fountain on Lake 13 at the San Tan gate and thanked the homeowners for being here today.


Bud Jenssen made a motion, seconded by Richard Hawkes, to approve the sole source bid from Dell for the replacement of Dell Lake server with Dell Poweredge T620 server at a cost of $9,160.28, plus a 10 percent contingency for a total cost of $10,076.31. The motion carried unanimously.








Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Don Hicks, to approve revisions to B.P. 11-01 Voting Policies and Guidelines. The motion carried unanimously.


Jerry Lofquist made a motion, seconded by Dick Norris, to approve the 2014-2015, Board Meeting Schedule. The motion carried unanimously.

Bud Jenssen made a motion, seconded by Dick Norris, to approve the appointments of Ruthannis Rogers and Bob Elliott to the Election Committee to replace former members Dena Brown and Priscilla Gazey. The motion carried unanimously.

Don Hicks made a motion, seconded by Dick Norris, to approve the appointments of Al Cote and Pete Menconi to the Architectural Compliance Committee to replace former members Dave Harnisch and Rich Wiley. The motion carried unanimously.

At this time, Kathy Skrei thanked former Election Committee members Dena Brown, Priscilla Gazey and former ACC members Dave Harnisch and Rich Wiley for their service.

Nancy Pannebecker made a motion, seconded by Richard Hawkes to approve Farnsworth Change Order #7 for upgraded flooring at a cost of $9,390 as recommended by the Administration Building Task Force. The motion carried unanimously.

Bud Jenssen made a motion, seconded by Dick Norris, to approve changes to ACC Guideline No. 21 – Painting, as recommended by the Architectural Compliance Committee. The motion carried unanimously.

Dick Norris made a motion, seconded by Jerry Lofquist, to approve the recommendation from the Golf Committee allowing the Palo Verde Couples League to have representation on the Golf Committee starting year 2014-2015. There was discussion regarding how this would change the Golf Committee membership to be kept at nine members. Don Hicks clarified that there will be three at-large members and six clubs represented. The motion carried unanimously.

Richard Hawkes made a motion, seconded by Nancy Pannebecker to approve The Facilities and Grounds Committee and Long Range Board and Management Planning Team recommendations of the following 2014 projects: Michigan Avenue Gate Landscaping; Cottonwood 5 Lakes Fountains; Cottonwood Pro Shop Renovations; Palo Verde Maintenance Building; Cottonwood Awnings.

There was discussion regarding how the vote on these projects would be impacted by the three board policies presently in First Readings and on today’s agenda: B.P. 4-03; B.P. 4-09 and B.P. 4-11 which has to do with how labor would be charged to the appropriate account. There was discussion to move these policies to New Business to be voted on today.

It was also discussed that the list of projects need items revised and a revised list will be sent to the Board by Richard Hawkes. The motion carried unanimously.

Richard Hawks thanked the Board for their support of these projects.

Richard Hawkes made a motion, seconded by Bud Jenssen, to approve the transfer of $5,000 non specified contribution funds to the Cottonwood Palo Verde Foundation 501C 3 for start-up expenses.

Richard Hawkes explained the opening of the bank account. The motion carried unanimously


Nancy Pannebecker made a motion, seconded by Richard Hawkes, to approve moving the following board policies from First Readings and to approve them at this time.

B.P. 4-03 Capital Reserve Replacement Fund

B.P. 4-09 Capital Improvement Fund

B.P. 4-11 Standard Bidding, Presentation and Approval Process

At this time, Nancy Pannebecker explained the changes to these policies. The motion carried unanimously

The following will be in First Readings in the month of April:

B.P. 6-01 Homeowner Code of Conduct


Homeowner commented or had questions on the following topics:

Removal of the tree at Palo Verde on the north side of the Palo Verde parking lot.

At this time, Kathy Skrei thanked everyone for coming.

The meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m.

Message from the President

Kathy Skrei, Board President

Summer is upon us and the temperatures are rising. Many of our residents are leaving or have already left for cooler destinations. We wish them safe travels and look forward to their return in the fall. For those of us who live here all year, we will get through another hot summer in Sun Lakes!

Construction of the new John R. Dobson Administration Center remains on schedule and completion date is expected the end of July. Progress of the construction can be viewed in our weekly e-newsletter In the Know as well as monthly updates in The Flyer. Homeowner information sessions will be conducted as we get closer to completion.

It is a never-ending challenge to keep our community amenities and facilities up to date, well-maintained and effectively meeting our homeowner needs. Current projects include construction of the Cottonwood Pool restroom; rebuilding the fire-damaged Palo Verde racquetball facility; renovation of the Cottonwood Pro Shop and construction of the golf cart storage area at Palo Verde. As I write this article, the traffic light at the intersection of Alma School and Michigan is being installed. Upon completion, new landscaping will take place at the Michigan Gate. We will continue to work on current projects and address any new issues that arise.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, thank you for allowing us to serve this wonderful community in which we live. v

Upcoming events

All tickets for Cottonwood Palo Verde shows and events can be purchased at our Homeowner Services location.

Summer D.J. Dances

We’ll be hosting a D.J. Dance once a month in the San Tan Ballroom on Saturdays at a cost of only $5 a person. At each dance, you’ll be able to order dinner at your table from Food and Beverage’s full menu. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. for non-host bar and dinner service. Dancing will be from 6:30-9:30 p.m.

The dates are June 21, July 12, August 16 and September 20.

San Diego (four days, three nights)

Depart from the Cottonwood flagpole at 8:15 a.m. on Sunday, July 20 for a fun-filled trip to Viejas Casino Resort; returning on Wednesday, July 23. You’ll stay four days and three nights in Viejas brand new casino resort. The package includes round trip in a fully-equipped motor coach with certified driver/guide; $50 in free play and all new members will receive an additional $10; at the Outlet Mall next door you’ll receive a $10 off coupon and a coupon book with more discounts; and all baggage handling, driver’s gratuity and tax are included. On the first day you’ll enjoy a guided tour featuring Old town, Seaport Village, Balboa Park, Coronado Island, La Jolla, Gas Lamp District, the Zoo and more. On the second day you’ll have the chance to choose from the Zoo, USS Midway Museum or Harbor Cruise. The price for all this fun is only $325 p/p double, $450 single rate. Sign up now at Homeowner Services.

Dancing With the Stars

Tickets are really going fast! There will be two shows in 2015: Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21. Both will be in the San Tan Ballroom and start at 7:00 p.m. (doors opening at 6:00 p.m.). Six lucky Sun Lakes homeowners will dance with one of the Utah Ballroom Dance Company’s professionals for first prize. All six dancers will dance each night, but the winner of the first night will be ineligible to win again on the second night. Tickets are $20 for each night.

Impersonators –An American Trilogy

On Wednesday, March 18, 2015 the Impersonators will take the stage in the San Tan Ballroom. The performers will be doing a tribute to Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Connie Francis and Neil Diamond. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and show time is 7:00 p.m. Tickets are still only $20 and also going fast.

Upcoming Holiday Dinner/Dances

Independence Day Friday, July 4

Premier Jewelers (formerly known as Amadom)

Trade in your old, broken or unwanted jewelry for cash in Cottonwood’s Phoenix Room (A9) from 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. No appointment needed. Saturday, June 21

Free Skin Cancer Screening

Dr. Joseph Allgeier of Radiant Complexions Dermatology Clinic will be conducting a free skin cancer screening in Cottonwood’s Phoenix Room (A9) from 8:00 a.m.–noon. All Sun Lakers are invited. No appointment needed. The doctor will see you on a first come basis.

Wednesday, June 4 and September 3

Free Exercise Equipment Classes

Personal trainer Deryk Garmanian and his assistant/homeowner Brenda Waara will be instructing, at no cost, a weight room and equipment orientation class at the Ladies Fitness Center for both men and women (at this time) on the following Wednesdays: June 18, July 16, August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19 and December 17. Please sign up at Homeowner Services.

Upcoming Traveling Tours through Free Spirit

To book any of these trips, call Free Spirit Vacations at 480-926-5547. Please remind them that you are a Cottonwood Palo Verde Homeowner.

June 10-13 Northern Arizona and Grand Canyon

June 22 Sierra Nevada Journey

June 24-27 Tuacahn – Utah’s Outdoor Broadway in the Red Rocks

July 3-6 Fourth of July in San Diego