Wayne Mangold
Creative Engagement Partners adds a new program called Tales and Travels to their cognitive engagement session at their Memory Café. It was designed by retired academic librarian Mary Beth Reider, and she has offered her services to the café.
Tales & Travel Memories is an innovative book and reading library program that provides services directly to people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias, not just their caregivers. Each one-hour program takes participants on an imaginary trip to another country or region of the United States using library materials such as adult and children’s books, music, and realia.
It has received a positive reception from residents at assisted living facilities and nursing homes with dementia units, demonstrating a real need to serve this special population. A recent study conducted by Dr. Susan Wesner, Judson University, and funded by a federal grant proved that Tales and Travel Memories is an effective program.
Caregivers and volunteers observe increased social interaction, increased cognitive interaction, and various types of cognitive engagement, including verbalization, memory recall, reading ability, and emotional engagement. Caregivers also report improved relationships with their loved ones as a result of the program.
Memory Cafe´ provides families the opportunity to enjoy social interaction with others in a similar journey. Following the family social activity, with coffee and pastries, care receivers attend a cognitive engagement program to encourage participation and stimulation. Caregivers attend a support group for respite, education, and learning from others. Sun Lakes United Methodist Church generously provides the space to offer the service free to all residents in the Greater Sun Lakes Area. The Greater Sun Lakes Community Foundation is a strong supporter.
Creative Engagement Partners, a 501(c)(3) non-profit is a coalition of community leaders whose goal is to create programs for families with Parkinson’s and Memory Impairment. The Memory Café is open each Monday from 9:30 to 11 a.m. No pre registration is necessary. For more information, call Wayne Mangold at 480-580-8317.