CTC Party Time on the Friday Nite Patio

Back row: Paul Jorgensen,
Bonnie DeGrenier, Jill Benedict,
Mike Belair, Kevin Sullivan; middle row:
Wanda Johnson, Barb Ludwig, Julie Evans, Neda Mead,
Christina Belair, Maryanne Sinerius; front row: Felisa Kulba,
Carol Trentadue, Adrianna Michael, Judy Gresheim, Barb Jorgensen, Helen Sobeck, Dave Sobeck, Susan Dunn (photo by Jerry Higgins)

Jerry Higgins

Besides having fun on the tennis court, Cottonwood Tennis Club (CTC) has even more fun on the kitchen patio on the last Friday of the month with good friends, good food, and drinks.

For information regarding membership in Cottonwood Tennis Club, please contact Membership Chairs Carol Trentadue at [email protected] or Maurice Allen at [email protected]. Also look at the CTC online calendar for activity during the upcoming three months.