Buddy Meola
5/04 and 5/05 – Cottonwood Palo Verde Men’s Ryder Cup Competition was won by the Palo Verde Men’s Club. Each winning team won $12. Lunch was served Saturday at the San Tan Ballroom. A brunch was held on the Palo Verde patio on Sunday.
5/11 – Ace of Aces is the monthly qualifier for the year-end Ace of Aces tournament.
First Flight: Low Net Neal Lordos, Low Gross Stephan Bennett
Second Flight: Low Net Michael Moore, Low Gross Steve Ambroso
Third Flight: Low Net Dan Paxton, Low Gross Paul Graebke
Fourth Flight: Low Net Tim Fettis, Low Gross Gerald Brock
5/18 – Modified Stapleford Tournament is scored by the number of points totaled by the scores achieved on each hole.
First Flight: Low Net Stephen Bennett, Low Gross Paul Brauer
Second Flight: Low Net Michael Moore, Low Gross Neal Lordos
Third Flight: Low Net Hank Clausen, Low Gross Lee Brechtal
Fourth Flight: Low Net Gerald Brock, Low Gross Peter Gorman
5/25 – Modified ABCD scramble is a team competition with teams balanced by team handicaps.
The winning team with a net score of 43 contained the following members: Steve Steinhilber, Graig Christensen, Joe Ficek, Dick Johnson.