Carolyn Hawkins presents a $1,000 DAR Patriot Scholarship to Chandler-Gilbert Community College student Elsa Martinez as the school’s financial director looks on.
The Gila Butte Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is honored to welcome State Regent Sallie Beraud Lovorn as guest speaker at the Oct. 18 meeting in Cottonwood. Her topic will be “The Battle of Ambos Nogales, the only land battle of World War I to touch American soil.” Call Jean Culver at 480-895-0069 if you’d like to attend the meeting as our guest.
Gila Butte will host a fall Treasure Hunt/Garage Sale on Nov. 11 in Cottonwood. Watch for more information next month.
Don’t forget that the chapter will have a booth at the upcoming community Open Houses in Sun Lakes. Members will be available to answer questions and discuss membership. Information about joining DAR can also be obtained by contacting Pennie at [email protected].
The National Society sanctions 45 separate committees covering patriotism, veterans, education, women’s issues, conservation, genealogy, Native Americans, national defense, and more. Members choose to participate in the committee(s) of interest to them. Members may also participate in Society-sponsored contests involving art, sculpture, crafts, fiber arts, literature and drama, music, jewelry, and photography. National also publishes a bi-monthly magazine and has a Tours and Events Committee, which organizes an overseas trip every year. (In November the group is going to Rome.)
U.S. citizenship is not required to join DAR. There are chapters in 11 foreign countries, and stateside members can become associate members of as many overseas chapters as they wish.
There are also book clubs and online communities, as well as opportunities to purchase pins, jewelry. and other logo items.
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is a nonprofit, charitable organization founded in 1890 and incorporated by an act of the United States Congress in 1896. Membership in the society is open to any woman 18 years or older, regardless of race, religion, or ethnic background, who can prove lineal descent from a patriot of the American Revolution. The DAR functions as a volunteer service organization and is dedicated to patriotism, education, and historic preservation. While DAR supports a strong national defense, it is not a political organization, nor does it lobby. Its membership includes women from Republican, Democratic, and Independent political parties; women from all races and ethnic backgrounds; and women from ages 18-100+. The society does not subscribe to any particular religion, nor does it discriminate against any members who are of various religious beliefs.